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Up Directory CCL 24.06.03 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Chemistry
From: jobs at (do not send your application there!!!)
To: jobs at
Date: Mon Jun 3 12:03:28 2024
Subject: 24.06.03 Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Chemistry
A postdoctoral position is available beginning September 1, 2024 in the group of 
Prof. Ward H. Thompson in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kansas. 
The project involves investigations of the reactivity of the hydrated electron using 
ab initio molecular dynamics, machine learning techniques, and reaction rate theory. 

Candidates should have a background in theoretical and computational chemistry or 
physics. Experience in molecular dynamics simulation and computer programming is 
desirable. Applicants can find details of the position description and submit an 
application at 
Inquiries about the position should be directed to Prof. Ward Thompson, Department 
of Chemistry, University of Kansas at wthompson[*]

The University of Kansas ( is a major educational and research 
institution with more than 27,000 students and 1,500 faculty members.  Lawrence 
is an attractive town of 95,000 located in northeast Kansas. It provides the ideal 
setting for a university, combining economical living with attractions normally 
found in larger cities.  In addition, Lawrence is a forty-five minute drive from 
Kansas City providing convenient access to many other attractions and the 
Kansas City International airport.  More information about Lawrence can be found 

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Please let your prospective employer know that you learned about the job from the Computational Chemistry List Job Listing at If you are not interested in this particular position yourself, pass it to someone who might be -- some day they may return the favor.
Modified: Mon Jun 3 16:03:28 2024 GMT
Page accessed 1819 times since Mon Jun 3 16:06:34 2024 GMT