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Up Directory CCL 24.07.03 Ph.D. Positions in Computational Modeling of Soft Materials (Tuscaloosa, AL, USA)
From: jobs at (do not send your application there!!!)
To: jobs at
Date: Wed Jul 3 14:22:50 2024
Subject: 24.07.03 Ph.D. Positions in Computational Modeling of Soft Materials (Tuscaloosa, AL, USA)
The Turner Lab ( at The University of
Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL, USA) is seeking multiple Ph.D. students to work on
modeling projects related to molecular simulation and multi-scale modeling
for JANUARY 2025 admission.  The projects involve molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations and the development of advanced kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC)
simulation tools, so strong programming skills and previous computational
experience are desired.  Ph.D. students are provided a competitive stipend,
as well as free tuition and health insurance.  Several different research
projects are currently available for students to pursue, and each of the
projects is sponsored by a federal agency (National Science Foundation, U.S.
Department of Energy, and Air Force).  Furthermore, each project involves
close interaction with experimental collaborators.  Current projects include:

 Molecular Design of Solvents for Directional Solvent Extraction of High-
Salinity Brines.  The energy efficiency and selectivity of directional solvent
extraction can surpass typical distillation or membrane systems, leading to
realistic and environmentally-friendly approaches for water purification. 
Molecular simulations are being used to guide the design of high-performance
solvents that also have very low toxicity and low cost, leading to practical
implementation in many different situations.

 Structural and Performance Behavior of Ionenes.  Ionenes (i.e., cationic
polymers formed from condensation reactions) are an emerging class of
polymers that can be used in polymeric membrane applications.  Furthermore,
composite membrane materials can be formed by combining ionenes with ionic
liquids, providing a highly-tunable platform for performing molecular
separations.  Simulation are being used to guide the development of ionene
composition and structure for advanced membrane development, as well as
suggest ideal pairings with different ionic liquids, in order to generate
highly selective membrane materials.

 Upcycling End-of-Life Plastic Waste.  Once in the environment, plastic
wastes are prone to form smaller particles known as microplastics, release
toxic plasticizers and additives, and affect plant and animal life at all
levels. Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC),
and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) make up the large majority of this
waste, and are thus the primary plastics polluting the environment. We are
developing routes to upcycle (rather than recycle) these wastes into
value-added products by performing molecular-level simulations of solvent
design and molecular-based separation strategies.

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering is the fastest-rising
chemical engineering program in the nation, according to U.S. News and World
Report.  Over the last five years, research funding in the department has
increased by 260% and Ph.D. enrollment has increased by 88%.  In case you
are curious about our location, Tuscaloosa is a beautiful city
( with a very mild climate and a low cost of
living. It is about a 4hour drive to the gulf coast where you will find
some of the most beautiful beaches in the world
( Birmingham is the largest neighboring city
(1hour drive), with a population of approximately 1 million residents. If
you need more information about The University of Alabama and life on our
campus, please visit:
Interested candidates should contact Prof. C. Heath Turner (hturner^_^
with their CV and a statement of interest in a combined PDF document.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis (deadline: August 31st).
Strong candidates will be provided with a waiver for free application to our
graduate program (
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For example: change joe^_^ to
Please let your prospective employer know that you learned about the job from the Computational Chemistry List Job Listing at If you are not interested in this particular position yourself, pass it to someone who might be -- some day they may return the favor.
Modified: Wed Jul 3 18:22:50 2024 GMT
Page accessed 786 times since Wed Jul 3 18:37:49 2024 GMT