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From:  "John Waite, Tel: ++30-1-7238958, N.H.R.F., Organic Chemistry Institute, Vas. Konstantinou 48, Athens 116-35"
Date:  Sat, 4 Mar 95 11:21 GMT
Subject:  Problem with SGI 'Explorer' using another X-terminal.

From:  o.casher.,at, (Omer Casher)
Date:  Sat, 4 Mar 1995 12:56:15 +0000
Subject:  Re: CCL:Problem with SGI 'Explorer' using another X-terminal.

From:  "Malgorzata Biczysko" <MB -x- at -x- CHEM.UNI.WROC.PL>
Date:  Sat, 4 Mar 1995 14:19:40 GMT+1
Subject:  CCL: Topological Index

From:  U13145%UICVM.BITNET ( ( at ) )
Date:  Sat, 04 Mar 1995 08:31:38 -0600 (CST)
Subject:  pKa of reduced amide bond N

From:  gilson(-(at)-) (Michael K. Gilson)
Date:  Sat, 04 Mar 1995 11:10:40 -0500
Subject:  Threat to the Internet

From:  Sheldon Green <AGXSG(-(at)-)NASAGISS.GISS.NASA.GOV>
Date:  Sat, 04 Mar 95 13:32:37 EST
Subject:  nonreactive molecular dynamics code (MOLSCAT)

From:  chiremv!andromeda!jeffb # - at - # (Jeff Blaney)
Date:  Thu, 2 Mar 95 18:22:22 -0800
Subject:  Re: CCL:Conformational Analysis