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From:  Petr Toman <ccl!at!>
Date:  Mon, 9 May 2005 15:58:23 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:  CCL: Correction of Koopmans ionization potentials

From:  mark somers <m.somers*&*>
Date:  Mon, 9 May 2005 09:38:06 +0200
Subject:  Re: CCL:Opteron or Nocona ?

From:  Marcel Swart <m.swart []>
Date:  Mon, 9 May 2005 09:57:13 +0200
Subject:  Re: CCL:Quantum Biochemistry activities and meetings

From:  Alex Brown <alex.brown ~~>
Date:  Mon, 9 May 2005 12:01:16 -0600
Subject:  Re: Intel compilers: was Opteron or Nocona ?

From:  Russell D Johnson III <russell.johnson ~~>
Date:  Mon, 09 May 2005 14:07:00 -0400
Subject:  Re: CCL:Correction of Koopmans ionization potentials

From:  Michel Petitjean <ptitjean %a%>
Date:  Mon, 9 May 2005 20:00:43 +0200 (MEST)
Subject:  CCL: ACPS Conference announcement