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Up Directory CCL November 14, 1995 [005]
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From:  Charles Letner <cletner "at@at">
Date:  Tue, 14 Nov 1995 12:50:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject:  Center of coordinates

Hello all,
	This is probably a basic question for anyone who is a
crystallographer.  I'm not and keep wondering about this.  The coordinates
of crystal structure give positive and negative values in the x, y,
and z dimensions (i'm mainly speaking of pdb format files).  This inidates
that the origin of the crystal is located someplace!  What I want to know
is, is there a standard/specification of where the origin is located?
Thanks for your response,

Charles Letner
Wright State University
Department of Biochemistry
Dayton, OH 45435
e-mail: cletner - at -

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