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Up Directory CCL May 26, 1998 [005]
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From:  Richard Gillilan <richard #*at*#>
Date:  Tue, 26 May 1998 17:02:30 -0400
Subject:  Multipole expansion error bounds

Does anyone have a reference to error bounds for
truncating multipole expansions of 3D point charge
sets? I have Greengard's 87 paper which gives
2D results. Are they also correct for 3D? (the library
seems to have misplaced his more recent book!!).

Also, any ideas on optimal position for expansion center?
The 2D bound indicates one should minimize the
distance from center to farthest charge independent of
charge value or distribution, but it seems
like some kind of charge-weighted center would be better.


Richard Gillilan
Cornell Theory Center
richard (- at -)

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