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Up Directory CCL May 17, 1999 [004]
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From:  Jose Manuel Martinez Fernandez <josema (+ at +)>
Date:  Mon, 17 May 1999 10:06:20 +0100 (WETDST)
Subject:  nucleotide structures using amber?

Dear Netters,

I'm trying to simulate single stranded DNA using
DL_POLY package. Force Field I'm using is AMBER
(JACS'95, vol. 117, 5179-5197)

In order to check if I correctly implemented the FF,
I would appreciate if anyone could send me optimized
structures obtained with other programs and their
corresponding energies using amber95. Just two or three
linked nucleotides I think is enough to test all the

thanks in advance,

           _                                                        _
	   _     Jose Manuel Martinez Fernandez, Ph.D.              _
	   _  	Dept. de Quimica Fisica, Universidad de Sevilla     _
	   _  	Facultad de Quimica, SEVILLA 41012, SPAIN           _
	   _     e-mail:  jmmartin \\at//                          _
	   _              josema \\at//                       _


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