NAME:     CHARMM-BBS - CHARMM Users Discussions.

   Description:    The objective of the charmm-bbs list is to electronically
      connect users - of all levels of expertise - of the CHARMM molecular
      mechanics package.  This list comprises users from academia and
      industry, and is a free service.  Charmm-bbs is strictly a secular
      environment; it is not maintained by MSI (commercial version of
      CHARMm) or by Harvard (including the Karplus group).
   Subjects:    Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics,  Modeling,  Classical Me-
   Editor:   Donovan N. Chin Harvard University 12 Oxford St.  Cam-
      bridge, MA 02138 USA. PH: (617) 495-9435. FX: (617) 495-9857.
   Comments:     Unmoderated.   No subscription restrictions.   5 mes-
      sages/month. 230 subscribers. Archived. List type: UNIX. Admin-
      istrative  address:
      Distribution address:
   Archives:    Messages are archived but not available on line at this time.
      To                                        obtain
      selected previous messages send a request stating which messages
      you need to: