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Up Directory CCL PrestoReadMe.txt

Current version is 1.23 
Last updated November 18, 2002

A freely available 2D plotting tool for Win32 Platforms (Windows NT/95/98/00) 
inspired by Grace/xmgr. 

Shalloway Lab website:


Plot types:

(1) Scatter plot 
(2) Line plot 
(3) Bar chart 
(4) Linear and log plots 
(5) Vector plot 
(6) Error bars 


(1) Discrete difference derivatives 
(2) Integration 
(3) Histograms 
(4) Data set statistics 
(5) Plot arbitrary, one dimensional functions (including cartesian, 
polar and parametric functions). 
(6) Perform interactive non-linear curve fitting for one dimensional
data sets with an arbitrary number of free parameters. The TNT
library is the linear algebra engine. 

Data import:

(1) Data import from multi-column ASCII files 
(2) Scripting 
(3) Command line options 
(4) PrestoLink: An API for sending data to PrestoPlot from both
console and windows programs 
(5) Paste data from spreadsheet and text processors into PrestoPlot
via the clipboard 
(6) New: Import WAV audio files 


(1) LaTeX based text editor 
(2) Graph legends 
(3) Axes and graph titles 
(4) User defined text 
(5) User defined lines 
(6) Axis grid lines 


(1) Multiple plots per graph and multiple graphs per page                                                              Mouse based zoom (for both linear and log plots) 
(2) Move and resize graphs using the mouse. 
(3) Double buffered display to reduce flicker 
(4) Custom plot colors 
(5) Popup menu for zoom, error bar and plot option control 
(6) Floating toolbar for common commands and panning the graph
view left, right, up and down 
(7) Middle mouse button pans the view up, down, left and right 
(8) Wheel mouse zooms in and out 
(9) Optional WYSIWYG display 
(10) Animate sequential plots and export animations to AVI files 


(1) Print to any Windows printing device 
(2) Copy graphs to the Windows Clipboard 
(3) Copy ASCII data to the Windows Clipboard 
(4) Export graphs as BMP and PNG files. 
(5) New: Export data as audio WAV files. 

Modified: Wed Dec 4 18:31:14 2002 GMT
Page accessed 12595 times since Wed Dec 4 18:39:59 2002 GMT