From chemistry-request: at Tue Feb 11 07:10:37 1992 From: Mark Forster Date: Tue, 11 Feb 92 11:13:47 GMT To: CHEMISTRY Status: R Subject: 1992 annual meeting of Molecular Graphics Society, Bath UK. MAIL FROM Mark .J. Forster, Informatics Laboratory, National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC), Blanche Lane, South Mimms, Hertfordshire, EN6 3QG, UK. Tel (0707) 54753 Fax (0707) 46730 e-mail from within the u.k. use forster # - at - # rest of the world uses the reverse order system. forster -A_T- Dear netters, Here is some information (free advertising) regarding the forthcoming Molecular Graphics Society (MGS) annual Meeting. VENUE: University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom. DATES: 13th-16th April 1992. THEME: Focus will be on Membrane proteins, Small molecule structure-activity, Novel algorithms. COST: Registration fee MGS member: 80 pounds sterling (148 US dollars) non-member: 105 pounds sterling (195 US dollars) student member: 30 pounds sterling (55 US dollars) student non-member: 43 pounds sterling (80 US dollars) Accomodation: 78 pounds sterling (145 US dollars) Conference dinner: 25 pounds sterling (47 US dollars) Lunch 13th April: 7 pounds sterling (13 US dollars) Lunch 16th April: 7 pounds sterling (13 US dollars) Registration forms and payment to: Molecular Graphics Conference C/O Dr D.J.Osguthorpe, School of Chemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK. e-mail: D.J.Osguthorpe -A_T- phone: (44)-225-826116 FAX: (44)-225-826231 Invited speakers. John Findlay, University of Leeds. "3D molecular modelling using protein chemistry data" Leo Herbette, University of Connecticut Health Centre, "Molecular basis for drug and peptide interactions with biological membranes: experimental databases and computer simulations." Tim Clark, Erlangen University. "Neural Networks and other tricks that improve AM1" Dan Dolata, University of Arizona, Tucson. "MOUSE: A learning program for conformational analysis" John Moult, CARB, Rockville. "Comparison of monte carlo and genetic algorithm approach to determining peptide conformation" Hans-Peter Weber, Sandoz, Basle. "Drug design by COMPA: Comparative molecular potential analysis" D.G.Burder, 3D-images "Stereo 3D visualisation" Events: Conference reception, Monday night April 13th at roman baths in the centre of Bath. Conference dinner Wednesday April 15th in the 18th century assembly rooms. Exhibition by hardware and software vendors during the conference. Best Wishes Mark J. Forster p.s. sending message to -x- at -x-