From chemistry-request: at Wed Feb 28 12:06:56 2001 Received: from (root ^at^ po.CWRU.Edu []) by (8.11.0/8.11.0) with ESMTP id f1SH6uw12385 for ; Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:06:56 -0500 Received: from raman6 (chem51439.CHEM.CWRU.Edu []) by with SMTP (8.8.8+cwru/CWRU-3.6) id MAA17330; Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:07:02 -0500 (EST) (from hxt19 ":at:" for ) Message-ID: <00de01c0a1a9$fa88fb00$67811681 -x- at -x-> Reply-To: "Hui-Hsu (Gavin) Tsai" From: "Hui-Hsu (Gavin) Tsai" To: Subject: electron transfer theory/electronic coupling Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:14:55 -0500 Dear CCLers: I have one following question about electron transfer theory... I have started to explore the electron transfer theory and did some literature searches. I mainly focused on electronic coupling and photoinduced systems. My search shows that the methods (electronic coupling) span from simple models such as expoential decay of distance, to Huckel theory, the integration of donor and acceptor ground states, and to very complicated integration of donor and acceptor configuration interactions. Because there are too many theories and models, it is very difficult to judge which method is more reliable or flexible, which method is famous or has been standarized,. or which method can utilize computational software such as Gaussian98 to help the integration of electronic coupling? Is there any one who can share your experiences with me? comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Sincerely, Gavin