RE: Protein's isoelectric point
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>From doelz %-% at %-% Sat Feb 22 02:55:23 1992
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1992 08:53:28 +0100
From: Reinhard Doelz <doelz %-% at %-%>
To: chemistry-request
Subject: RE: Protein's isoelectric point
The GCG program package has a ISOELECTRIC program in it.
PEPTIDESORT can do it even on fragments generated on the fly
by simulated cleavage with proteolytic enzymes.
Dr. Reinhard Doelz * EAN doelz %-% at %-%
Biocomputing * DECNET 20579::48130::doelz
Biozentrum der Universitaet * X25 psi%022846211142::embnet
Klingelbergstrasse 70 * FAX x41 61 261- 6760
CH 4056 Basel * TEL x41 61 267- 2076 or 2247
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