Re: CCL:DFT questions
regarding your second two questions i highly reccomed you take
a look at :
(1) TI: On the application of the Kohn-Sham theory to the calculation of
potential energy curves
AU: Moscardo_F, PerezJimenez_AJ, SanchoGarcia_JC, SanFabian_E
JN: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 1998, Vol.288, No.2-4, pp.418-422
This shows several examples of the failure of the single-determinant
KS results for simple reactions. ( generally they occur in
intermediate regions on the PES, UKS being OK at equilibrium and at
dissociation). It also shows striking similarities between the
RHF vs. UHf and RKS vs. UKS curves,
Dr. Noj Malcolm
Theory Group,
Dept. of Chemistry,
University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
M13 9PL
e-mail noj.malcolm()at()