02.11.17 Int. Conference on Heavy Organics Deposition: HOD-2002 in Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico (fwd)
- From: Jan Labanowski <jkl "at@at" ccl.net>
- Subject: 02.11.17 Int. Conference on Heavy Organics Deposition:
HOD-2002 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (fwd)
- Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 23:37:43 -0400 (EDT)
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Return-Path: <yruiz "at@at" www.imp.mx>
From: "Yosadara Ruiz-Morales" <yruiz "at@at" www.imp.mx>
To: jkl "at@at" ccl.net
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 15:13:31 -0600
Subject: 02.11.17 Int. Conference on Heavy Organics Deposition: HOD-2002 in
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Reply-to: yruiz "at@at" www.imp.mx
Subject: 02.11.17 Int. Conference on Heavy Organics Deposition: HOD-2002 in
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Dear Colleagues:
This is to invite you to contribute with an oral or poster presentation in the
"2002 International Conference on Heavy Organics Deposition" (HOD
which will be held on November 17-21, 2002 in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco,
HOD 2002 is a scientific forum to discuss on the various physicochemical
phenomena associated to the study of heavy organics depositions (Wax,
Asphaltene, resin, etc.) from petroleum, which greatly affect the economy
of the oil industry. HOD 2002 will feature a number of Invited Lectures and
Technical Sessions on the following topics: Asphaltene Structural Studies,
Asphaltene and Wax Characterization, Asphaltenes in Oil Reservoirs,
Modeling Asphaltene and Wax Precipitation, Flow Assurance, Molecular
Computations, Field-Related Applications and more!. The beautiful beaches
of sunny Puerto Vallarta, will additionally provide all attendants to HOD
2002 with a pleasant place to stay, from which fruitful discussions and a
closer interaction will be favored.
To submit your or your colleagues´ Abstract, an on-line internet submission
facility has been enabled at the Conference Internet Site: www.hod2002.com,
where submission deadlines, registration costs and all related information
on this event can be found.
In the conference there will be several sessions (please check the web site), in
particular there will be a session on Molecular Computations. If you are
interested in
participating in this session please contact Dr. Yosadara Ruiz-Morales
(yruiz "at@at" imp.mx) who is the chair of this session.
Looking forward with pleasure to see you in Puerto Vallarta in November,
Truly yours,
C. Lira-Galeana
HOD 2002 Conference Chairman
Mexican Inst. of Petroleum
Mexico City