Re[2]: CCL:Spin-Spin Coupling Constants
- From: dengolovanov <dengolovanov|at|>
- Subject: Re[2]: CCL:Spin-Spin Coupling Constants
- Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:54:15 +0400
Hello Jeremy,
Monday, August 25, 2003, 2:37:11 PM, you wrote:
>> Dear CCL's
>> Thank's every one who helped me with NICS question, but another one
>> question about NMR calculations occured.
>> Recenly Cremer have proposed a scheme which can be used for
calculations of Spin-Spin
>> Coupling Constants and I heared that it's a good approach in the case
>> of simple organic molecules within DFT calculations.
>> Unfortunately my background is not sufficient to find out how to carry
>> out this within Gaussian.
JRG> It's built-in if you have g03.
JRG> nmr=spinspin
JRG> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
JRG> Jeremy Greenwood
JRG> Department of Medicinal Chemistry bh +45 35306117
JRG> The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences fx +45 35306040
JRG> Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark ah +45 32598030
JRG> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
No I don't have G03 program package. As I suppose Cremer used G98
Best regards,
Denis G. Golovanov mailto:dengolovanov|at|