we are interested in buying some more computational resources. In our
group we are interested in 64 bit AMD processors, but we do not know
about their compatibility. They are supposed, as AMD says, to be32
bit compatible and therefore AMD 64 bit processor should be able to
run any 32 bit application. Is that true? Any experience about this
will help us a lot.
By the way, we are running mainly gaussian jobs, and have some other
32 bit binaries like turbomole and jaguar. We have source code license
for gaussian 03. Has anyone tried to compile Gaussian 03 for a AMD 64
bit machine? Do 32 bit pentium binaries run correctly on a 64 bit
processor? which is the increase on the performance? Do Turbomole and
Jaguar binaries run on 64 bit AMD processors? anyone tried?
Any information will be helpful.
Thanks a lot
Marc Noguera Julian
Thcnic Especialista de Suport a la Recerca
Qummica Fisica, Universitat Autrnoma de Barcelona.
Tlf: 00-34-935812173
Fax: 00-34-935812920
e-mail: marc-.at.-klingon.uab.es
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