CCL: W:Y zeolite coordinates needed

 Sent to CCL by: Xiaobo Zheng [Xiaobo|-|]
I really need the same cluster model. Could you please kindly send a copy to me
 too? Also, is there anybody has large (>5) cluster models for H-ZSM5?
 Besh wishes
 Quoting CCL <owner-chemistry|-|>:
 I have coordinates for Faujasite, in CIF, ENT and MOPAC data set forms.
 But what address do you want them sent to?  The address
 "walk!A!" is not recognized by my E-mail.
 Best wishes,
 At 11:52 AM 9/14/2005, you wrote:
 Sent to CCL by: "Jos Walkimar Carneiro" [walk!A!]
Does anybody has the cartesian coordinates of the T20 model of faujasite (Y) zeolite?
 Thank you
 Walkimar Carneiro( |-| |-| )
   | James J. P. Stewart                 |                                   |
   | Stewart Computational Chemistry LLC | E-mail:  jstewart|-|  |
   | 15210 Paddington Circle             |  39/03/15 N, 104/49/29 W          |
   | Colorado Springs CO 80921-2512      |                                   |
   | USA                   .ooo0         | Phone: USA +(719) 488-9416        |
   |                       (   )   Oooo. |                                   |
   .------------------------\ (----(   )-------------------------------------.
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 Xiaobo Zheng
 Research Assistant
 Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
 the University of Arizona
 P.O. Box 210011
 Tucson, Arizona 85721-0011
 (520) 245-6854 phone
 (520) 621-6048 fax