CCL: question on molecular orbitals in CO and NO
- From: Alan Shusterman <alan!A!>
- Subject: CCL: question on molecular orbitals in CO and NO
- Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:01:05 -0800
Sent to CCL by: Alan Shusterman [alan]-[]
It's an interesting quote, and it's too bad that we don't have more
context for it because it can be interpreted in several ways. Probably
you should write Professor Hoffmann and ask *him* what he means. His
answer would provide "experimental proof".
Now for my 2 cent interpretation...
First, I think the quote does not imply orbitals are experimental
Second, a Hoffmann paper that comes to mind (and I hope my memory is
playing tricks on me) is an analysis of through-bond effects on the PE
spectra of 1,2-diamines. If I recall correctly, different PE spectra
were predicted for N lone pairs that a) do not interact, b) interact
through-space, and c) interact through-bond, and Hoffmann's Extended
Huckel MO calculations indicated the last option was most likely. I
think the PE data supported his model.
So based on this string of questionable memories, my expanded reading
Hoffmann's quote would go like this: I have calculated orbital
interactions for molecules, and I have used these orbitals to predict
experimental properties that others tested (and ultimately confirmed)
using PE spectroscopy.
Third, the on-line article you point to is a celebration of Albert
Einstein, especially the photoelectric effect. I think Hoffmann was
trying to say that PES has been useful for his research because it has
told him whether his (highly parameterized) models were on a realistic
track or not. As such, it shows one more way that orbital models make
contact with experiment, but it is very far from a claim of
experimentally observed orbitals.
Sengen Sun sengensun(~) wrote:
Sent to CCL by: Sengen Sun [sengensun/a\]
My apologies if I am a bad guy again.
But in contrast to the recent discussions by Wayne
Steinmetz and Ulrike Salzner, Roald Hoffmann recently
said: “Photoelectron spectroscopy has provided me with
experimental proof of the ways orbitals interact.”
Alan Shusterman
Chemistry Department
Reed College
Portland, OR 97202-8199
"Yield and overcome; Bend and be straight." Lao Tzu 22