is especially appropriate given that the periodic system is undoubtedly one of
the foundations of chemistry. Please see journal webpages for
instructions to authors. Deadline: November 30th, 2006. Word limit:
Approximately 5000 words but negotiable. Shorter commentaries on any of the
previous articles on the periodic system that have appeared in the journal will
also be considered for publication. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Eric
Scerri Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Charles
Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095. 310 206 7443 fax: 310 206
2061 UCLA faculty web
page: Editor of Foundations of
Chemistry, International Society for the
Philosophy of Chemistry, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its
Significance, by Eric Scerri This book is being published by Oxford University Press on Sept
15th, 2006. Advance orders can be
placed with at, price: $ 35.00 (hardcover, 400 pages) Reviews: “Written to a high standard of scholarship, "The
Periodic Table" is the only book of its kind currently on the market, giving
both an historical and philosophical perspective to the development of this key
to the elements. The philosophical discussion Scerri weaves through its pages is
rarely found in chemistry books, giving it a special quality that will appeal to
the scientific community at large. In years to come it will be seen as essential
reading for all who aspire to lecture and write on the
subject.” - John Emsley, author of "The Elements" and "Nature's Building Blocks" “As the author of "The Periodic System of Chemical
Elements: A History of the First Hundred Years" (1969), I consider Scerri's "The
Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance" a worthy successor. I declare
his new book a must, not only for all historians of chemistry and the other
natural sciences, but also for the scientists and pupils
thereof." -- Jan W. van
Spronsen, author of "The Periodic System of Chemical Elements: A History of the
First Hundred Years"
“Few concepts are more
important in chemistry than the periodic table, and Eric Scerri's book offers a
wonderfully thorough, lucid, and provocative introduction for both chemists and
the scientifically literate to this major cultural contribution. Anyone
interested in the foundations of chemistry will take delight, inspiration, and
information from this highly approachable book.” Peter Atkins, author of "The Periodic Kingdom", "Molecules" etc. “The periodic table of elements is the family tree
of stuff, and Eric Scerri's book tells the story of its evolution--through all
the false starts and inspired insights, mutations and selections, driven by
philosophy as much as calculation. Like any family story, it's a messy tangle of
relationships--between elementary particles and between people. The ultimate
question is philosophical: Does it all boil down to different configurations of
hydrogen? Or is chemistry--and therefore nature--ultimately
irreducible?” K.C. Cole, Author of "The Universe and the Teacup: The Mathematics of Truth and Beauty" and "Mind Over Matter: Conversations with the Cosmos".