Sent to CCL by: Wolf Ihlenfeldt [wdi.]-[]
Are you out of your mind to advertise for such a site on this forum?
The Wiley title
Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer: Chemical Engineering Practice
easily found in the 'last added' section was only published April
12th, 2011 and retails on for USD 125. This is most
definitely not a text in the public domain.
My guess is that Wiley's lawyers will be most interested in your post
and potential association with that site....
topic has come up before, and its worth noting that the list owner under "safe
harbour rules" is in an invidious position with respect to posts like this, as
exerting strong editorial control can imply that the list owner is responsible
for content. This is a legal situation which is very country dependent. On the
larger question of whether putting the text above online is legal, the answer is
clearly a resounding no in most jurisdictions. However, it is also worth noting
that in some places, such action may be legal, and that therefore the
correspondent may not be doing anything illegal in passing on the link to us,
even though in most countries again use of the service would be a violation of
copyright, and an illegal act on our part.
If you think the legal situation is complex, the moral situation is even more so due to varying cultural norms, however If I was an author of one of the texts mentioned, and I had not sanctioned this distribution channel, I think I would be vey correctly annoyed, and it might lead to me stereotyping the poster, and other groups of which they might be a member in a way which reflected poorly on them as a whole. In this context, its probably worth considering the effect of such a post, before sending it to an international audience.
All the best
Dr Laurence Cuffe.
On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Prashant Singh Rana
psrana[-] <owner-chemistry]~[> wrote:
> Good site for finding books ( Search and Download directly)
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Prashant Singh Rana
> PhD Research Scholar
> Department of Information & Communication Technology
> ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management (IIITM), Gwalior, MP, India.
> Contact: +91-9098236997
> +91-9313889932
> Email : psrana|,|
> psrana|,|
> "Try to Fail, BUT Don't Fail to Try"
Wolf-D. Ihlenfeldt - Xemistry GmbH - wdi]~[
Phone: +49 6174 201455 - Fax +49 6174 209665
xemistry gmbh – Geschäftsführer/Managing Director: Dr. W. D. Ihlenfeldt
Address: Hainholzweg 11, D-61462 Königstein, Germany
HR Königstein B7522 : Ust/VAT ID DE215316329 : DUNS 34-400-1719
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