The email below by Alex contains the
URL for the official VASP forum (which requires you to have purchased a
If you have general questions about VASP
and don't have a password to access that forum, the">
Modeling Stack Exchange is totally free and welcomes all questions
about VASP, QuantumESPRESSO, Gromacs, Gaussian, LAMMPS, Siesta, VMD, Orca,
GAMESS, CP2K, Avogadro, Molpro, PySCF, AutoDock, Q-Chem, ASE, WANNIER90, CHARMM,
Phonopy, GPAW. etc... (essentially any matter modeling software, I've only
listed the 20 of them with the most questions so
We launched recently and already have 4000+
users, 2000+ questions (93% of them answered) and 800+