From Sun Sep 17 14:00:00 2006 From: "Anatoli Korkin a_korkin+*" To: CCL Subject: CCL: NGC2007 in Arizona: Deadline for abstract submission is October 1st Message-Id: <-32558-060917135704-32246-QsYH4p5JxSMNligH+UsiQg/./> X-Original-From: "Anatoli Korkin" Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 13:57:03 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Anatoli Korkin" [a_korkin,] Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics and Photonics > From Atoms to Materials to Devices to System Architecture Symposium and Spring School (Tutorial Lectures) Phoenix, Arizona, March 12-16, 2007 http://www.AtomicScaleDesign.Net/ngc2007 Dear Colleagues: We invite you to join the NGC2007 conference, 3rd Nano & Giga Forum, which will be held during the spring break 2007 at the main campus of Arizona State University. The team of NGC2007 organizers and invited speakers include science and technology leaders from the top universities, international companines and national laboratories world wide. The Nobel Prize laureates, Nicolas Bloembergen and John Polyani, will be presenting lectures at the Symposium. In addition to the exciting technical program organizers will offer a diversified networking and social program to assist in establishing productive research and business colboration. Deadline for the abstract submission is OCTOBER 1st! On-line registration, abstract submission, hotel booking and constantly updated information are available at the meeting web site: http://www.AtomicScaleDesign.Net/ngc2007 SCOPE OF THE MEETING: Participants are invited to submit papers in the following areas: -atomic scale materials design: theory and experiment - bio- and molecular electronics and photonics - high frequency electronics - fabrication of nanodevices - magnetic materials and spintronics - materials and processes for integrated and subwave optoelectronics - nanoCMOS: new materials for FETs and other devices - nanoelectronics system architecture - nano optics and lasers - non-silicon materials and devices - quantum effects in devices MEETING FORMAT: The scientific program combines the Spring School (tutorial lectures, first 2 days) and the Symposium (last 3 days).The program of the Symposium includes plenary talks in the morning, and parallel sessions (oral or poster presentations) in the afternoon. The tutorial lectures and invited research papers will be presented by experts from the leading academic and industrial research centers and government labs world wide. The organizers also expect many young talents from different countries and in addition to an exciting scientific program plan to organize a wide variety of social events to enhance opportunities for communication. About 500 participants and guests from more than 50 countries are expected to attend the meeting. INVITED SPEAKERS: H. Baranger (Duke University), D. Basov (University of California San Diego),J. Baumberg (University of Southampton), I. Baumvol (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), N. Bloembergen (University of Arizona), M. Buttiker (University of Geneva), R. Chau (Intel), L. Chernozatonskii (Institute of Biochemical Physics), B. Chichkov (Lazer Zentrum Hannover), M. Ciurea (National Institute of Materials Physics), A. Dediu (CNR ISMN), A. Demkov (University of Texas at Austin), T. Ebbesen (Louis Pasteur University), A. Efros (University of Utah), G. Fagas (Tyndall Nantional Institute), O. Fesenko (Materials Science Institute of Madrid), T. Fujisawa (NTT Basic Research Laboratories), S. Goodnick (Arizona State University), H. Guo (McGill University), Y. Hirayama (NTT Basic Research Laboratories), H. Iwai (Tokyo Institute of Technology), T. Kalganova (Brunel University), Ki-Bum Kim (Seoul National University), R. Kawakami (University of California Riverside), Ran Liu (Fudan University), L. Loo (University of Texas at Austin), Yu. Lozovik (Institute of Spectroscopy), S. Luryi (Stony Brook Universuty), S. Mao (University of California Berkeley), G. Maracas (Motorola), K. Matsumoto (Osaka University), S. Mathur (Leibniz-Institut fuer Neue Materialien), P. Mueller (IBM), M. Niemier (Georgia Institute of Technology),T. Otsuji (Tohoku University), Z. Petrovic (Institute of Physics Belgrade), N. Peyghambarian (Arizona University), M. Pimenta (Federal University of Minas Gerais), J. Polyani (University of Toronto), D. Porath (Hebrew University of Jerusalem),G. Redmond (Tyndall National Institute), M. Reed (Yale University),E. Riedo (Georgia Institute of Technology), F. Rosei (University of Quebec), O. Sankey (Arizona State University), W. Schmidt (University of Paderborn), T. Schulthess (Oak Ridge National Laboratory),Li Shi (University of Texas at Austin), Z. Shuai (Institute of Chemistry Beijing), D. Strukov (Stony Brook University), M. Vazquez (Materials Science Institute of Madrid), Z. Wang (Georgia Institute of Technolgy),M. Werner (NMTC), S. Williams (Hewlett Packard), P. Yang (University of California Berkeley), X. Zhang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), N. Zhitenev (Lucent Technologies) SPONSORS: Arizona State University, Nano & Giga Solutions, National Science Foundation, Motorola, STMicroelectronics, Springer, Elsevier, Computational Chemistry List, Office of Naval Research, Army Research Office, City of Tempe, Oak Ridge National Lab, Quarles & Brady LLP, JEOL, SRP, Werhner von Braun Center for Advanced Research, Lithotech,, Arizona Technology Council, Arizona Nanotechnology Cluster, Arizona Optics Industry Association, Experts Communications, University of Paderborn,, nano[-]mikrosystemnaya technika, Please, visit our web site for further information and mark your calendar: http://www.AtomicScaleDesign.Net/ngc2007 We look forward to seeing you at our next Nano & Giga forum in Arizona! NGC2007 Organizers E-mail: