From Sat Sep 1 15:26:00 2007 From: "Chang Ge JI cgji(0)" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Cutoff used in MP2 correction to the CASSCF calculation in Gaussian03 Message-Id: <-35067-070901040811-26614-f7WBaqZVmoUfBgrx3V2Zkw-$> X-Original-From: "Chang Ge JI" Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 04:08:08 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Chang Ge JI" [] HI,folks., I tryed to study vertical excitation energy of small organic molecule using CASSCF+MP2 method ( GAUSSIAN03 package) During the MP2 correction calculation to the MCSCF energy , there exist one parameter for configuration cutoff for mp2 IOp(5/52). The default cutoff is 0.1 . If i use the default cutoff in Gaussian03, some times i got a zero correction energy for none of the configurations was selected for mp2 correction. If i choose different cutoff , the calculated vertical excitation energy differ a lot . Can you please share me some experience on choosing of this parameter ... Thank you in advance.......