From Tue Jan 8 15:44:00 2019 From: "Christine M Isborn" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Summer School on TDDFT in August at Rutgers University, New Jersey Message-Id: <-53580-190108150229-4407-qGxR1eIxXknqcjiYFGtwRA+*> X-Original-From: "Christine M Isborn" Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2019 15:02:26 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Christine M Isborn" [cisborn,,] We are happy to announce that the 2nd US-based Summer School (August 4-9, 2019) and Workshop (August 11-14, 2019) on TDDFT will be held at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA! Please find all details, including schedule, school instructors, confirmed workshop presenters, and more, at the event website: The school plans to host ~30 interested and motivated graduate students and post-docs. Morning theory lectures will be followed by hands-on practical sessions, and there will be a poster session one evening for participants to present their work. Applications are open now and will close on April 10, 2019. Please refer to the application link here: Following the 5-day school, there will be a 4-day workshop on Excited States and Dynamics, where invited speakers who are experts in Excited states, dynamics, TDDFT and applications will present their latest research. Summer school teachers will be presenting at the workshop, and students are strongly encouraged to stay for the workshop. Please bring this event to your students' attention and consider having them apply for the school. We sincerely hope that this will be a great educational experience for them. Thanks to some funding, we are able to offset some costs for the students, so that their total fee for the school and workshop is $600, which covers accommodation, breakfast, and lunch for the entire period Aug 4-14. This total may be reduced depending on the results of further funding applications. Also, please note that Rutgers is conveniently located close to a major international airport (EWR) and to New York City. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are looking forward to an exciting event at Rutgers this August! Christine Isborn (University of California at Merced) Neepa Maitra (Hunter College City University of New York) Michele Pavanello (Rutgers University Newark) Andre Schleife (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)