From Fri Feb 15 16:35:14 1991 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 91 16:00:34 EST From: rs0thp@rohmhaas.COM Subject: Re:GAUSSIAN experience wanted To: Status: R Dear Dr. Reinhard Doelz, We are using IBM Risc 6000(model 540) for Gaussian-88, not G-90 sorry... I hope that Gaussian 90 will soon be available for this workstation as the computer is VERY FAST. Running mp2 and mp4 calculations the IBM 540 spends about 50% of the CPU time running floating-point calc, and the rest of the time waiting for IO. So we run two Gaussain jobs at a time. We seem to be getting about 95+% throughput with two jobs running at a time. Direct SCF calculations work well. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sincerely, Thomas Pierce Computer Applications Research | Internet Bldg 64C | rs0thp@rohvm1 Bitnet Rohm and Haas Co. | (215)-785-8989 Voice Bristol, PA 19007 | (215)-781-4204 Fax < Artificial Intelligence is Better than None! - AAAI Slogan > ---