From Thu Feb 21 11:38:41 1991 Date: Thu, 21 Feb 91 10:21:59 EST From: (Dr. Tom Pierce) To: Subject: Re:GAUSSIAN EXPERIENCE Status: R >Re: Request for more specifics from > Bob Stolow > Department of Chemistry > Tufts University > Medford, MA 02155 INTERNET: > > >I am responding to your e-mail message to Dr. Reinhard Doelz of >15-Feb, a copy of which I received via > >I would appreciate additional information about your experience >running Gaussian-88 on the IBM 6000 Model 540. Others may find >such information to be helpful as well. >(1) How much physical memory do you have? On the present 540, we have 64MB. We hope to add 64MB this year. >(2) How much of it is assigned to each of the two Gaussian jobs? We use 1/3 to 1/2 of the physical memory for Gaussian space per job. (setenv G88_SPACE 24000000) We inquired about setup of the IBM system from Dr. Andy Scheiner ( SCHEINER%DFWVM03@IINUS1.IBM.COM) and Dr. Dennis Gerson in Dallas. >(3) How large are the jobs? Number of orbitals? Basis sets used? The jobs 'fit' into /tmp (1.1 GB currently) Dr. Chuck Reynolds has run all the calculations, using 23-90 Basis functions ranging from 6-31G(D), LANL1DZ, and mp2 and mp4 calculations. >(4) Any problems with the hardware or the operating system? The usual problems of AIX(the IBM version of UNIX), but no problems with G-88. >(5) Can you make comparisons with other platforms? No. We signed a license agreement with Gaussian Inc, stating that we would publish no benchmark numbers. I defer benchmark data to Gaussian Inc. Also we have 3 857MB disk drives on the 540. And yes we'd like to have more disk for G-88 jobs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sincerely, Thomas Pierce Computer Applications Research | Internet Bldg 64C | rs0thp@rohvm1 Bitnet Rohm and Haas Co. | (215)-785-8989 Voice Bristol, PA 19007 | (215)-781-4204 Fax < Artificial Intelligence is Better than None! - AAAI Slogan > ---