From Mon Apr 1 17:22:26 1991 Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1991 16:30 EST From: "Richard C. Elder, Chemistry, U of Cincinnati" Subject: Postdoctoral position available To: Status: R Dear Colleague: The following is an announcement of a postdoctoral position currently open in my lab. I would appreciate your bring this to the notice of any individuals who might be interested. Thanks. Dick Elder ********************************************************************** Postdoctoral Position Structural Determination of Amorphous Metal Complexes Using Molecular Modeling and Synchrotron X-Ray Investigations A position is currently available in the Elder group at the University of Cincinnati. The project centers on the elucidation of the structures of rhenium diphosphonate materials used as palliatives for metastatic prostate and breast cancer which has spread to bone. We use techniques such as EXAFS spectroscopy and Wide angle X-ray scattering / differential anomalous scattering (WAXS/DAS) to develop one-dimensional radial distribution functions describing the environment of the metal atom of interest. We are now trying to extend this information to three- dimensional models using the techniques of molecular modeling as extended to metal complexes. Experiments are conducted at NSLS (Brookhaven) and SSRL (Stanford). Calculations are performed at the University of Cincinnati on a Silicon Graphics TG35 and via ethernet link on the Ohio Supercomputer Center Cray Y-MP. A general reference to our work with metal-based drugs is R.C. Elder and M.K. Eidsness, Chem. Rev., 1987, 87, 1027; a specific reference to our work with diphosphonates is J.L. Martin et al., Inorg. Chem., 1989, 28, 2899. Interested individuals should respond to Professor Richard C. Elder, Acting Director, Biomedical Chemistry Research Center, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Ohio, 45221-0172. Send a CV and date of availability, also ask two references to write concerning your qualifications. More rapid communication is available via Internet to Dick.Elder@UC.EDU. Faxed materials may be sent to (513) 556-9239. Telephone, (513) 556-9224, for further details.