From Mon Apr 1 20:17:09 1991 Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 19:04:00 From: D342NS1B@VB.CC.CMU.EDU Subject: SUMMARY: Molecular Conformations To: Status: RO Thanks to all who responded to my questions wrt conformational energy minimizations. Here's a list of the references I was pointed to: From: "Peter S. Shenkin" Still/Lipton, J. COmp. Chem,1988-9 Novotny/Brucolleri, 1987?, Biopolymers? Kate Palmer & Harold Scheraga, to appear in J COmp Chem. Shenkin et al, Biopolymers, 1987 Fine et al, Proteins, 1987 Saunders, JACS, 1986-7 From: Scott Le Grand Mol. Biol (1983) 170:723-764 PNAS 83:2782-2786 Biopolymers 20:1877-1899 " " 24:1437-1447 and 1391-1436 From: chiremv!andromeda!jeffb@UUNET.UU.NET (Jeffrey Blaney) J. Med. Chem., vol 31, p. 1669 (1988) JACS, vol 112, p.1419 (1990) I also have a (long) file with comments that came along with the responses. I can send it to anyone who's interested. Dr. Nikolaos Sahinidis Department of Chemical Engineering and Engineering Design Research Center 1209 Hamburg Hall Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburhg, PA 15213-3890 (412) 268-8824 Fax:(412) 268-5229 ARPAnet: d342ns1b@VB.CC.CMU.EDU BITNET: d342ns1b@CMCCVB From Tue Apr 2 12:21:05 1991 Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 08:29 EET From: POLLANEN@csc.FI To: Status: R Hello Is this correct place to ask help for using BIOSYM programs; DISCOVER,MOLEDT,DMOL... and CHEM-X... Raimo Pollanen(M.S.)