From Thu Apr 25 09:51:27 1991 Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 08:13 CDT From: Subject: molecular visualization on workstations To: Status: R In response to D. Paithankar's request for information on ball-&-stick displays on workstations: the ab initio code TURBOMOL, by Ahlrich & his group at Karlsruhe, comes with a program that displays molecules. The package was written for unix-based workstations & can be obtained from him. I'm sorry I don't have his exact address (it's on his papers) or his e-mail address. Irene Newhouse From Thu Apr 25 15:40:11 1991 Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 13:06:17 EST From: "Mr. Mingzuo Shen" Subject: Roothaan's a and b coupling constants for d^n atoms To: Status: R Hello, I am trying to use existing programs to calculate the SCF total electronic energy for the Re atom, which in its ground state should have a d^5 configuratin. The program I am using needs Roothaans's a and b parameters, but I do not know where I can find them. In 1960 (Rev. Mod. Phys. 1960, 32, 179) Roothaan gave these constants for all the p^n configrations (from p^1 Li to P^5 F). For example, for the 4S state of the N atom, a = 1, b = 2. The program I am using does not automatically assign these. Thanks in advance for pointers! Sincerely, Mingzuo Shen From Thu Apr 25 16:08:12 1991 Date: Thu, 25 Apr 91 12:41:58 PDT From: dario%qmc4.hepnet@Csa3.LBL.Gov To: Status: R I need an EFFICIENT subroutine that computes the value of PSI, H PSI, DEL PSI where PSI is a trial wavefunction expressed as a Slater determinant (or more that one) given the basis set and the MO coefficients to incorporate in a MonteCarlo program. any Help ? thanks Dario Bressanini EMAIL: LESTER2@UCBCMSA.BITNET