From Mon Jun 17 12:16:49 1991 From: Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 11:14:24 EDT Subject: Modeling Workshop at Rensselaer Status: R The Department of Chemistry at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, New York, will sponsor a molecular modeling workshop this summer designed for professional chemists just making a start in molecular modeling. Lectures on the first day will focus on these questions: How do you approach a problem in molecular modeling? What can you hope to learn? Later in the course more advanced topics will cover aspects of molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics relevant to molecular modeling. One day will be devoted to some special considerations in modeling of complex biomolecules. A large portion of each day will be devoted to hands-on experience with two major molecular modeling software packages on modern graphics workstations. Workstations will be available all day and throughout the evening for participants to experiment with. The workshop will begin at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday, August 1 and end at 1:00 P.M. on Sunday, August 4. Troy is located just outside of Albany, NY. A course brochure and further information is available from "". From Mon Jun 17 12:45:30 1991 Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 09:58:07 -0400 From: nobody@Kodak.COM To: ""@Kodak.COM Subject: RE: Poly-Ala Status: R >From: NAME: Adi M. Treasurywala FUNC: Biophys. & Compu. Chem. TEL: (518)445-7042 To: NAME: BLACK@OHSTPHRM.PHARMACY.OHIO-S <"BLACK@OHSTPHRM.PHARMACY.OHIO-STATE.EDU"@KODAKR@MRGATE@DSRGVK>, ""@KODAKR@MRGATE@WPC Regarding the Poly ala (or actually ploy Gly) question. I was at a Biophysical Society Meeting in Feb 1990 where I heard a remarkable presentation by Dr. E. Stellwagen (univ. of Iowa). The talk was titled "effect of amino acid replacements on a peptide helix/coil transition." As some in the field like to say "this was REAL data" and there was LOTS of it. I think that the facts that relate to what you are looking for (including the solubility issue that Shaun raised) may be in this gentleman's hands already. (I had never met the man before so this is NOT A COMMERCIAL!). Starting with Ac-AEAAAKEAAAKEAAAK-amide (this is structurally similar to poly ala but soluble enough to measure CDs on) he made what seemed like every point substitution that you could think of and measured the helix/coil ratios by CD. There were some nice results where position independant additive rules could be stated at least in some cases. I would suggest that you get in touch with him. When I asked him after the seminar if any computational chemists were interested in simulating his findings he mentioned that he was not aware that any were! Adi T. (