From Fri Aug 2 10:17:28 1991 To: Subject: AMBER 4.0 now available Date: Fri, 02 Aug 91 10:19:54 EDT From: Status: R I ( abbreviated the announcement about availability of AMBER 4.0, sent to me by Bill Ross ( To get more information, (e.g., interesting benchmark of AMBER on different hardware platforms) send a single line message (all letters lowercase !): send amber.note from chemistry to or OSCPOST@OHSTPY.BITNET. >Date: Fri, 2 Aug 91 01:05:10 PDT >From: ross@zeno.mmwb.ucsf.EDU (Bill Ross) >To: >Subject: UNIX version of AMBER 4.O >Molecular mechanics simulation programs, including source code and demos. >Requires Fortran compiler, 25+ Mbytes disk. >The 4.0 release has important new features: Free Energy: dynamically >modified windows, potential of mean force, bond correction, thermodynamic >integration and others. Normal modes: Langevin modes, finding transition >states, new analysis tools. A new NMR-oriented energy minimization/dynamics >program allows time-dependent and time-averaged constraints (e.g. simulated >annealing) and direct fitting to NOESY or chemical shift data. The >'vanilla' energy minimization and dynamics program includes polarizability >as an option. Distribution is in source code format, and a suite of demos >is provided. Questions about licensing: > School of Pharmacy, Attention: Willa Crowell > Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry > University of California > San Francisco, California 94143-0446 > Tel. (415) 476-1540, Fax: (415) 476-0688, email: From Fri Aug 2 10:27:54 1991 To: Subject: AMBER e-mail forum Date: Fri, 02 Aug 91 10:30:14 EDT From: Status: R For those interested, there is an AMBER electronic forum (works like ours). It is an e-mail reflector organized for people who want to discuss AMBER use, tricks, successes and failures (and maybe other things, who knows ?). To subscribe, unsubscribe, request address change, etc., send your message to: To post to this list (i.e., everybody on the "amber" list will get the message) send your message to: Remember, the net-ethics says: "Subscribe before you post". Compiled by Jan, Jan Labanowski