From Fri Sep 13 15:34:20 1991 To: Subject: request graphics package crystal structures Date: Fri, 13 Sep 91 15:04:49 EDT From: Status: R We are looking for a free an easy to use graphics package to plot crystal structures, i.e. basically a unit cell with atoms and bonds represented by balls and sticks for use on a DEC station 5000 (X windows compatible). Thanks. ------ Walter Lambrecht. Department of Physics Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 44106 From Fri Sep 13 22:59:06 1991 Date: Sat, 14 Sep 91 10:47:47 PDT From: (Setsuko Oikawa) To: Status: R .. This is my first e-mail to join chemistry-users net. Below is my description. Name Setsuko OIKAWA Title Dr. Organization Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba University Mailing Address 1-33 Yayoi-cho, Chiba 260, Japan e-mail address Telephone (472) 51-1111 ex.2720 FAX (472) 55-1574 .. We calculate chemical reaction mechanism using GAUSSIAN90, GAMESS MOPAC, and AMBER programs. Computer systems used are Convex C1 on our site, the Computer Center of Chiba Univ. and Tokyo Univ. and IMS (Japan). I send our best regards to all of you. Thank you. From Sat Sep 14 00:01:36 1991 Date: Sat, 14 Sep 91 11:47:16 SST From: "I.Novak" Subject: Amber code To: Status: R Dear netters, please let me know the contact address for obtaining Amber molecular mechanics package. Thanks! I.Novak,Dept.of Chemistry,NUS,Singapore 0511