From Fri Sep 13 18:48:14 1991 Date: Fri, 13 Sep 91 17:41:05 CDT From: (Helmut Heller) To: Subject: RE: MD neighbor lists Status: R As a reply to John's question I would like to point out some relevant articles: @article{SKEE91, author={Robert D. Skeel}, title={Macromolecular Dynamics on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor}, journal=JCC, volume=12, number=2, pages={175--179}, month=jan, year=1991 } Skeel discusses various methods to generate neighbor lists (on parallel computers) and concludes that grid cells plus linked lists are best. I would like to suggest NOT to use a cut-off, but instead use the Fast Multipole Methods or variable time step methods (distance classes). The latter has been implemented by Helmut Grubm"uller and myself in a parallel MD program for a Transputer system and is described in: @article{GRUB91, author={Helmut Grubm\"uller and Helmut Heller and Andreas Windemuth and Klaus Schulten}, title={Generalized Verlet Algorithm for Efficient Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Long-Range Interactions}, journal=MS, year=1991, volume=6, pages={121--142}, number={1--3} } while the computer system and MD program used is described in @article{HELL90, author={Helmut Heller and Helmut Grubm\"uller and Klaus Schulten}, title={Molecular Simulation on a Parallel Computer}, journal=MS, volume=5, year=1990, pages={133--165} } @string{MS = "Molecular Simulation"} @string{JCC = "J.\ Comp.\ Chem."} Cheers, Helmut (W9/DH0MAD) _________________________________________________ "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" u27013@ncsagate.bitnet ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: (217)244-1586, FAX: (217)244-2909 ------------------------------------ Helmut Heller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Beckman Institute Theoretical Biophysics Group, Transputer Lab, Room 3151, MC 251 405 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.