From Mon Sep 30 14:50:29 1991 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 91 14:31 EDT From: "Scott Le Grand" Subject: Re: Applications of AI in science. To: HCART%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@OHSTVMA.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU Status: R I am applying genetic algorithms to the protein folding problem. If you wish, I can send you a copy of my paper either by e-mail or snail mail... Scott Le Grand From Mon Sep 30 14:51:01 1991 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 91 14:34 EDT From: "Scott Le Grand" Subject: Apology To: Status: R That last letter was meant to be a private reply to Dr. Hugh Cartwright. Unfortunately, it also got sent to the chemistry mailing list... Sorry guys... Scott