From Tue Oct 29 09:21:23 1991 From: (Dr. Tom Pierce) Subject: Announcement of Neural Net Symposium To: Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 8:56:12 EST Status: R In the spirit of 'timely' communication, I would like to request papers/ posters for the following Symposium to be held in San Francisco in April 1992. ACS Symposium on Chemical Applications of Neural Networks A one-day symposium on "Chemical Applications of Neural Networks" will be held in San Francisco April 5-10, 1992 as part of the Spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. The symposium is sponsored by the division of Computers in Chemistry of the ACS. The symposium will feature six invited talks followed by a poster session. The featured speakers are Alan Lapedes, Peter Wolynes, Mike Liebman, Morton Munk, Peter Jurs, and Dave Elrod. Topics discussed will include a general overview of neural nets plus applications in the areas of spectral analysis, protein structure and folding, and QSAR. Abstracts for the poster session should be sent to the organizers at the address below. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, December 11, 1991. Further information and abstract forms can be obtained from the organizers: G.M. Maggiora and D.W. Elrod, Upjohn Laboratories, 301 Henrietta Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49001, USA; (FAX) (616)-385-8488 or (Phone) (616)-384-9361. Thank You! -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sincerely, Thomas Pierce Program Chairman COMP Division | Internet 1992 | rs0thp@rohvm1 Bitnet < Artificial Intelligence is Better than None! - AAAI Slogan > From Tue Oct 29 14:17:43 1991 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 10:33:53 PST From: (Don Kinghorn) To: Subject: Re: INFO. ON NEURAL NETWORKS Status: R Hi I'm also interested in neural net apps in chemistry but, I haven't done any work with them yet. I would be interested in a summary of any information you receive. Now to pitch in my two cents worth; Casimir C. Klimasauskas contributed an article and C program to the April 1991 Dr. Dobb's Journal /******************************************************************* * NETWORK.C * Backprop network with explain function using sensitivity analysis. * This program implements a Back-Propagation network and shows how * sensitivity analysis works to "explain" the networks reasoning. *******************************************************************/ Another article you might want to look at is; Kneller, Cohen, and Langridge Improvements in Protein Secondary Structure Prediction by An Enhanced Neural Network J. Mol. Boil. (1990) 214, 171-182 . Hope this helps Let me know what you find out Don Kinghorn