From Thu Oct 31 16:49:19 1991 Date: Thu, 31 Oct 91 16:49:15 -0500 From: To: Subject: Re: Software for Review Status: R I am redirecting this message to the list: ---------- Begin Forwarded Message ---------- >From Thu Oct 31 16:25:22 1991 Date: 31 Oct 91 15:36:00 EDT From: "STEPHEN R. HELLER" Subject: Software for Review To: "chemistry-request" 31 October, 1991 Subject: Computer Software for Review As the Software Review Editor for the ACS Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science (JCICS) I often get software for review in the journal. I have a few packages now in hand (see below) and I am looking for people who are willing to review the software. In return for the review you get to keep the software. The review should be completed in 1-2 months. The length of the review is 4-10 double spaced typed pages. Sample reviews can be found in most of the recent issues of JCICS. I tried this approach with some software for review last month. I found people who agreed to do the reviews and now have the software. (Hopefully they will actually do the reviews.) As a result of the experiment last month I am continuing this new method to find reviewers using this bulletin board. I hope it works. I reserve the right to abandon this if it is a problem, or inappropriate. I will not notify people if I have found a reviewer. I can be reached on INTERNET, or if necessary, by phone at 301-344-6055. Steve Heller The packages are: 1. Jandel Scientific, TableCurve 3.0, IBM-PC. Package allows one to find the mathematical equation that best describes their experimental data. Requires hard disk (1.3 MB of space), DOS 3.0 or higher, mouse, math co-processor, 600K of memory actually available. 2. Trinity Software, Scientific Reference System, Mac. Bibliographic database manager for the Mac. Requires 1MB machine and System 6.05 or higher (7.0 compatible). 3. SoftShell International. ChemWindow version 2, IBM PC. Chemistry Drawing software for the IBM-PC under Windows. requires a 286 or higher cpu, Windows, hard disk, an Adobe Type manager (or Windows 3.1). 4. Hawk Scientific. Molecular Presentation Graphics (MPG) version 5.0, IBM PC. Draws chemical structures. Runs under Windows 3.0 and requires a mouse. 5. ChemWhere, IBM-PC. Allows one to search documents containing MPG (see above software) diagrams by both text and structure. Runs under Windows 3.0 and requires a mouse. 6. PBS Inc, Pro-Search, Mac. For searching and retrieving references from the DIALOG system. Requires 1MB machine, hard disk, System 6.02 or higher (7.0 compatible) and a Hayes or equivalent modem. ----------- End Forwarded Message -----------