From Mon Nov 4 19:50:22 1991 Date: Mon, 4 Nov 91 19:07:04 EST From: Joshua B. Halpern To: Subject: Fitting systems of rate equations to data Status: R I am looking for a program that will fit the rate constants from a set of first order differential equations describing a kinetic scheme to experimental data. In particular, I am seeking a site where I can copy the program by FTP. Thanks for your help Joshua Halpern Chemistry Howard University Washington, DC 20059 ****************************************************************************** The difference between theory and experiment is that in theory the experiment works. ******************************************************************************* From Mon Nov 4 20:27:10 1991 Date: Mon, 4 Nov 91 19:44:21 EST From: Joshua B. Halpern To: Subject: correction to message Status: R After sending a request to the list, I realized that I gave an incomplete address to reply to. My correct e-mail address is Sorry Josh Halpern From Mon Nov 4 21:34:45 1991 Date: Mon, 04 Nov 91 18:11:01 PLT From: 97748509@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU Subject: Allinger's MM2 for molecular docking? To: Status: R Can anybody in this group please tell me that how to calculate the interaction energy between two molecules? In Cark Still's MacroModel, I tried to put two separate molecules in one structure and energy minimize them simultaneously. It gives a different energy. Since I do not know what method was used for this in MacroModel, I am not quite sure weather it is right or not. Is there any other way to do that? If I can get free source codes by FTP somewhere, that would be great. Thanks in advance. stupidly yours W. Philip Lei or or From Mon Nov 4 22:29:45 1991 Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1991 22:13 -0500 From: Katrina Werpetinski Subject: Z-Matrix into Cartesian Coordinates To: Status: R Does anyone have a (preferrably fortran) algorithm for converting a Z-matrix (ie bond length, angle, and dihedral angle of a set of four atoms) into cartesian coordinates? Katrina