From Tue Nov 19 02:21:15 1991 Date: Tue, 19 Nov 91 01:21:14 CST From: (John Nicholas) To: Status: R Dear Dr. Bill Ross and other SHAKE users: I have some experience with the SHAKE algorithm in MD that pertains to the recent discussion. I have used SHAKE in my own MD code for some time and regularly do runs of hundreds of thousands of time steps with excellent energy conservation, etc. These are my opinions about some of the problems mentioned: 1. Dr. Adi M. Treasurywala writes that SHAKE cannot be done with the leapfrog algorithm. I have used SHAKE with van Gunsteren's formulation of the leapfrog algorithm (J. Comp. Chem.) with no problems. The implimentation of SHAKE within AMBER should be the same as the dynamics code is essentially the same as van Gunsteren's (GROMOS). I'm not really an AMBER user so this might vary with different versions of the program. The problem with energy conservation is related to the tolerance used in SHAKE. The value suggested by van Gunsteren (1.0e-4) is too small to prevent persistent energy drift. Changing to a value of 1.0e-6 should cure these problems. I believe CHARMM uses 1.0e-9 which does not result in an improvement in energy conservation in my work over 1.0e-6. The price you pay for a smaller tolerance is an increased number of iterations for SHAKE to converge. Even with very small tolerances SHAKE will usually converge within about 20 iterations. 2. Dr. Lisa Balbes writes about problems restarting with binary files. If a true restart is desired with a continuous trajectory one certainly would not want to disturb the run by applying an arbitrary round-off of the positions and/or velocities. I have had no trouble with restarts using double precision binary files and there is nothing inherant in the use of SHAKE that should prevent this. 3. Several researchers mention mutiple time step methods. I have used the method of Otto Teleman (J. Comp. Chem.) and Allen and Tildlesly describe another method in their book "Computer Simulations of Liquids". Both methods work fine. However, SHAKE is much easier to code if all you want to do is constrain bond lengths, which gives the most increase in time step (best bang for the buck). 4. The mention of problems with constant pressure simulations can be alleviated by coding the rescaling of coordinates to maintian bond lengths. For example, moving the centers of mass of molecules rather than actually stretching or contracting them to respond to pressure. I haven't done much with this so I am not clear if a particular method gives better or worse results. Some of the other problems with periodic boundary conditions that Dr. Dave Pearlman describes are just code bugs that could be easily fixed. John Nicholas