From Tue Nov 26 16:11:51 1991 Date: Tue, 26 Nov 91 15:29:59 -0500 From: (Chuck McFarland) To: Subject: Re: References and source codes for NMR simulation Status: R For Dongchul Lim and whoever else is interested - There is a shareware program (NMRCALC) which has been out for some time (since at least January 1985). I found it on a local bulletin board with the name NMRSIM. It was written by Milton Johnston at the University of South Florida. Spectra are calculated and can be displayed with adjustable peak broadening. Molecules more complicated than first order are no problem. The upper limit is seven spins (nuclei), but since executable program parts and BASIC source code come together, one ought to be able to make modifications. -- Chuck McFarland (Internet) McGean-Rohco Inc. Cleveland, OH (Bitnet) From Tue Nov 26 18:40:03 1991 Date: Tue, 26 Nov 91 16:47:28 CST From: tripos!kathy@uunet.UU.NET (Kathy Clark Jupiter1) To: uunet!!chemistry@uunet.UU.NET Subject: NMR mail exploder Status: R If you have the E-mail address to get on the NMR mail exploder could you send it to me? Thanks in advance. Kathy Clark From Tue Nov 26 18:59:08 1991 To: Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Tuesday, 26 Nov 1991 17:28:21 CST From: Prasad Ravi Subject: graphics software for the Sun Status: R Hello people, Is there an easy to use (like GL on Silicon Graphics and RS6000) graphics library or a set of routines, for the Sun that can be used for example, to build 3-D crystal structures?? Are there any FTP sites that would provide such software free??? Any information will be greatly appreciated. Prasad Ravi U21709@UICVM.CC.UIC.EDU