From Sat Dec 7 00:40:18 1991 From: (Ross W. Wetmore) Subject: Re: Fortran vs. C: quick thought To: Date: Sat, 7 Dec 91 0:25:40 EST Status: R > [...] Why must we, as developers and programmers, (1) take our > equations which are often formulated in terms of matrix and vector > operations, (2) convert them to loop-based code (an error-prone > process that usually requires much more debugging than coding), and > (3) cross our fingers and hope that the compiler "recognizes" it and > turns it back into the original matrix expression? We shouldn't, and > with Fortran 90, we finally, after 15 years, have a language that > allows us to turn our equations directly into code. In this respect, > the only remaining question is how well the vendors are going to > support this capability. > > What does this have to do with Fortran and C? Fortran 90 puts C TWO > generations behind instead of just one. If it took us 15 years to > finally get array syntax standardized in Fortran, how much longer > would it take us to get it, along with variable-dimensioned arrays and > user-defined subscript ranges, into C? > -ron shepard > I don't want to add fuel to such an explosive topic, but just a quickie thought on a thread that seems to run through the above. The thread is the lament at the time it seems to take to see improvements in some areas of compiler technology. It should be noted that numerical computation is relatively straightforward and not one of the cutting edges of compiler research. Commercial development can provide some added value and thus advantage in selling new hardware, but the scientific/computational niche is not the largest nor most lucrative segment of the market. On the other side, there are a growing number of computational scientists, and a growing awareness of the need to both learn more about and interact more with some of the source disciplines that provide this technology to them, but there is still a lot of reluctance to get really involved. To the computer scientist, FORTRAN is an incredibly ad hoc language that is incredibly difficult to parse, has very poor structural basis and consequently lends itself very poorly to a lot of the structural analyses and safety net features that are taken as fundamental truths. It is not likely that there will be much common ground found with them in discussions of how to extend FORTRAN, especially when issues of backwards compatibility are raised. There has been some mention of C++ by a few posters, and while I don't want to suggest anything particular about this name (it could be F++ for all I really care), there are a couple useful advances in compiler technology that it brings out. The first is an easy (for the skeptical, would you accept easier) way to provide reusability of code through its concepts of Classes and sub-Classes and the methods or operations that each Class is capable of performing. It is very much possible to provide libraries of understandable syntax tailored functions and novel data types that are built on layers of previous, but simpler or more elementary components. The second is the degree to which these additions interact and become a part of the compiler technology itself - in essence the developer of a Class library is able to redesign the language for those who would make use of such extensions. Converting old codes is largely a waste of time if they run fine and do the job that they were designed to do. But computational scientists that are developing new applications, or new methods might be best served if they took a quick look at some of the new toys that computer scientists are busy experimenting with and tried to enlist some cooperation in seeing just how they might be applied. It is just possible that encapsulating a lot of old code and algorithms with a thin wrapper of some of the latest and greatest technology could result in a best of both worlds scenario where new development could take off from a structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing (to some) base, while retaining much of the computational efficiency and known quality of the existing numerical software. One of the beauties of some of the new ways is that well designed interfaces hide and isolate a lot of the nitty gritty and thus make possible the replacement of large amounts of underlying structure without anyone being the wiser. A gradual replacement and enhancement policy is a viable approach in such an environment. Moreover, it is an approach that does not impede real use of the system during the process. I guess this got a little longer than expected, but rather than stirring up old fires of whose native language is better, if both start learning a little computer esperanto for public discourse, and reserve their native tongue for use at home, there are a lot of interesting possibilities. Ross W. Wetmore | Waterloo, Ontario | {backbone}!watmath!rwwetmor From Sat Dec 7 17:20:04 1991 Date: Sat, 7 Dec 91 11:26:37 PST From: Subject: Fortran vs. C To: Status: R Debating Fortran vs. C merely clouds the larger issue. We should be more concerned with procedural vs. object-oriented. Object oriented design (OOD) has the potential to deliver more robust codes that are easier to develop, maintain, and interact with other codes. Granted, the numerically intensive kernals could be written in what ever language gives the best performance. The increasing importance in distributed computing as well as the release of a specification of an Object Request Broker (ORB) by the Object Management Group (OMG) underscores the potential importance of Objects in the computational sciences. (The OMG is a consortium of industry and government agencies aimed at developing standards for the growing OO industry. The ORB is an attempt to standardize the way that objects can invoke the methods of other objects across multiple platforms) Rewriting thousands of lines of old dusty-deck Fortran codes does seem daunting. The first step in modernizing these old programs could be to encapsulate them, and gradually move portions of them into a more fine grained OO framework. This itself could be a complex issue and should be discussed. One should attempt to leverage past codes if possible. One problem with encapsulating these old Fortran codes is that they sometimes have liberal (and often uncontrolled) use of Common Blocks which renders them highly un-modular, and hence difficult to encapsulate. A few years ago, I wanted to perform some semi-empirical calculations on the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center. The existing software available to me at the time was an engineering nightmare and totally inadequate (it still is). This was a case of realizing that it was better to throw out the old and simply redesign an entirely new program. (caveat: I realize that a total redesign would be much more difficult for large ab initio programs and I am not necessarily advocating that) To make this research possible, I designed a new electronic structure code (to be written in C++). The code, named Argus, was finally implemented in C due to the lack of native C++ compilers on Cray's. However, the basic underlying components of OOD have been retained; encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, albeit in a procedural implementation. Argus has been a great success for this research and all our photosynthetic work has been done with this program. The take-home lesson is that in terms of overall efficiency: human time for design, bugfixing, maintaining, adding new features, as well as compute performance through a judicious use of Scilib calls on the Cray, and careful coding to avoid "wild" pointers, etc, Argus greatly outperforms the older code. I believe that this composite performance differential would be enhanced by a further refinement of Argus to an OO language, in this case C++. Therefore, Argus is currently being restructured as a true OO program. I have recently implemented (in C) some prototype MD kernals as well as a functional MD program on the Intel Delta (512 processor i860 2D-mesh). We have seen no tangible performance hit in using C relative to Fortran on this machine. C++ is not a perfect OO language, this is a developing area and the possibility of OO features in Fortran in an interesting thought. I've recently heard that OO Cobol is in the works! though I would not recommend it for computational chemistry. I propose that we open discussion on the topic of "Objects in Quantum Chemistry" (apologies if this discussion has occured already). I would be interested in seeing movement towards libraries of computational chemistry objects that could be used by many different applications. The basics of this discussion does not have to center on any particular language. If this is not the forum for a discussion of this sort, then at least, I would like to encourage awarness of this issue. Mark A. Thompson Molecular Science Research Center Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory Richland, Wa.