From Thu Feb 25 08:46:00 2010 From: "Carlos Alberto Ortega Zu iga caoz96]~[" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: How i do to configure mi computer to use more MW or more proc? Message-Id: <-41327-100224165533-5177-HWNlAqDN70twZqtL+rdBHw+*> X-Original-From: "Carlos Alberto Ortega Zu iga" Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 16:55:30 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Carlos Alberto Ortega Zu iga" [caoz96\a/] Greetings I am chemist of university of cartagena (Colombia), i like this web, i see various help in use of programs of computational chemistry. I have Linux Red Hat 5.3, Gaussian 03 and i have a computer DELL precision T7400, it have 2 processors Intel(R) Xeon(R) X5472 3.00GHz. When use Gaussian i put in the input: %mem=300MW %nproc=4 I can't put more MW or more proc, Appear messages of error. How i do to put o configure mi computer to use more MW or more proc? Pardon for mi english. Thanks for help me. From Thu Feb 25 09:21:00 2010 From: "Laurence Leherte laurence.leherte**" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Conference RCTF 2010 - Namur (Belgium) Message-Id: <-41328-100225031644-10759-lky+hEg5/08k3IUVy/1BDw^-^> X-Original-From: "Laurence Leherte" Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 03:16:40 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Laurence Leherte" [laurence.leherte|-|] Dear CCL Subscribers, we wish to announce the following Conference that will be held at the University of Namur (FUNDP, Belgium), on July 4-8, 2010. Il is entitled "12ieme Rencontre des Chimistes Theoriciens Francophones", with a special day (July, the 8th) organized in the honour of Prof. Jean-Marie Andr. All information is available at Invited speakers: ------------------ Prof. Fabienne Alary (Universite de Toulouse 3, F) Dr. Ilaria Ciofini (ENSC, Paris, F) Prof. Enrico Clementi (IAQMS) Dr. Michele Desouter-Lecomte (Universite Paris 11, F) Prof. Martin Field (Universite Grenoble 1, F) Dr. Fabien Gatti (Universite Montpellier 2, F) Prof. Paul Geerlings (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B) Prof. Kwang S. Kim (POSTECH, Pohang, SK) Prof. Thanh Tung Nguyen-Dan (Universite Laval, CA) Prof. Yngve hrn (University of Florida, USA) Prof. Pekka Pyykk (IAQMS) Prof. Andres Reyes Velasco (Universidad de Colombia, CO) Prof. ZhiGang Shuai (Chinese Acad. Sci. Beijing, CN) Prof. Jacques Weber (Universit de Genve, CH) Themes: ------- Structure electronique Dynamique Spectroscopies et vibrations Biomolecules Reactivite Le futur de la chimie quantique - (in english) Coordinators and Organizers : ------------------------------ Dr. Eric Perpte (Universit de Namur, B) Prof. Daniel Vercauteren (Universit de Namur, B) Prof. Michel Godefroid (ULB, Bruxelles, B) Prof. Franoise Remacle (ULg, Lige, B) Dr. Marie-Claude Andr (Universit de Namur, B) Prof. Benot Champagne (Universit de Namur, B) Dr. Joseph Fripiat (Universit de Namur, B) Dr. Denis Jacquemin (Universit de Namur, B) Dr. Laurence Leherte (Universit de Namur, B) Dr. Catherine Michaux (Universit de Namur, B) Prof. Carlo Adamo (ENSC, Paris, F) Prof. Xavier Assfeld (Universit de Nancy 1, F) Prof. Henri Chermette (Universit de Lyon 1, F) Prof. Claude Pouchan (Universit de Pau, F) Contact : ---------- rctf-2010 . (or eric.perpete . Fax. +32 81 72 45 66 Tel. +32 81 72 45 68 Best regards, Laurence Leherte Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Informatique Unite de Chimie Physique Theorique et Structurale Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (FUNDP) Rue de Bruxelles, 61 B-5000 Namur (Belgium) From Thu Feb 25 13:00:01 2010 From: "Peter Burger" To: CCL Subject: CCL: G09: IRC=FCCARDS Message-Id: <-41329-100225125544-11341-UGWA7olcgIvsdBin7CwE4Q*|*> X-Original-From: "Peter Burger" Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 12:55:40 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Peter Burger" [burger(a)] Dear CCLers since g09 has changed its input format for IRC I was wondering whether there is an IOP switch, which allows to read forces from the input file via FCCARDS rather than from the checkpoint file. Regards Peter From Thu Feb 25 16:06:00 2010 From: "James G Prudhomme jprudhomme*" To: CCL Subject: CCL: CHI's 10th Structure-Based Design Event Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: "James G Prudhomme" Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:20:33 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "James G Prudhomme" [jprudhomme()] Join us for CHI's 10th Anniversary Event... STRUCTURE-BASED DRUG DESIGN: Multidisciplinary Innovations and Structural Insights to Enhance Drug Discovery June 23-25, 2010 Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA Register by March 26 and Save up to $350 In this program, we wish to highlight some recent breakthrough stories and successes using SBDD driven by medicinal chemistry, computational and biophysical approaches. This conference continues to offer both new attendees and alumni insights into the latest work of community thought-leaders as well as invaluable networking opportunities. Topics Include: - Selectivity Optimization: Using Structure to Optimize Selectivity - In Silico Discovery of Small Molecule Binders - New Computational Methods in SBDD - Targeting of Protein-Protein Interactions - New Advances in Docking - Impact of SBDD on Small Molecule Drug Discovery - GPCR Drug Discovery - Workshop: Therapeutic Target Space: Methods for Druggability Assessment View the full agenda and register at or call 781-972-5400 Interested in Sponsoring and/or Exhibiting? Contact Katelin Fitzgerald at 781-972-5458, kfitzgerald\a/ Organizer: Cambridge Healthtech Institute From Thu Feb 25 22:53:00 2010 From: "Jim Prudhomme" To: CCL Subject: CCL: CHI's 10th Annual Structure-Based Design Conference Message-Id: <-41331-100225160430-7753-Dz/DSR6zbs1p1wuH+j+Abw+*> X-Original-From: "Jim Prudhomme" Content-Language: en-us Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00E6_01CAB62F.2C99DE40" Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:28:26 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: "Jim Prudhomme" [jprudhomme(_)] This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_00E6_01CAB62F.2C99DE40 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Join us for CHI's 10th Anniversary Event... STRUCTURE-BASED DRUG DESIGN: Multidisciplinary Innovations and Structural Insights to Enhance Drug Discovery June 23-25, 2010 Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA Register by March 26 and Save up to $350 In this program, we wish to highlight some recent breakthrough stories and successes using SBDD driven by medicinal chemistry, computational and biophysical approaches. This conference continues to offer both new attendees and alumni insights into the latest work of community thought-leaders as well as invaluable networking opportunities. Topics Include: - Selectivity Optimization: Using Structure to Optimize Selectivity - In Silico Discovery of Small Molecule Binders - New Computational Methods in SBDD - Targeting of Protein-Protein Interactions - New Advances in Docking - Impact of SBDD on Small Molecule Drug Discovery - GPCR Drug Discovery - Workshop: Therapeutic Target Space: Methods for Druggability Assessment View the full agenda and register at or call 781-972-5400 Interested in Sponsoring and/or Exhibiting? Contact Katelin Fitzgerald at 781-972-5458, kfitzgerald!^! Organizer: Cambridge Healthtech Institute James Prudhomme Marketing Manager Cambridge Healthtech Institute 250 First Avenue, Suite 300 Needham, MA 02494 Direct: 781-972-5486 Fax: 781-972-5425 ------=_NextPart_000_00E6_01CAB62F.2C99DE40 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Join us for CHI's 10th Anniversary Event...



Multidiscipli= nary Innovations and Structural Insights to Enhance Drug = Discovery


June 23-25, 2010

Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, MA


Register by March 26 and Save up to $350

In this program, we wish to highlight some recent breakthrough stories and successes using SBDD driven by medicinal
chemistry, computational and biophysical approaches. This conference = continues to offer both new attendees and
alumni insights into the latest work of community thought-leaders as = well as invaluable networking opportunities.


Topics Include:

- Selectivity Optimization: Using Structure to Optimize = Selectivity

- In Silico Discovery of Small Molecule Binders

- New Computational Methods in SBDD

- Targeting of Protein-Protein Interactions

- New Advances in Docking

- Impact of SBDD on Small Molecule Drug Discovery

- GPCR Drug Discovery

- Workshop: Therapeutic Target Space: Methods for Druggability = Assessment


View the full agenda and register at or call 781-972-5400


Interested in Sponsoring and/or Exhibiting?

Contact Katelin Fitzgerald at 781-972-5458, kfitzgerald!^!

Organizer: Cambridge Healthtech Institute



James Prudhomme

Marketing Manager

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

250 First Avenue, Suite 300

Needham, MA 02494

Direct: 781-972-5486

Fax: 781-972-5425


