From Mon Jun 17 01:09:01 2013 From: "Andreas Klamt" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Hydrogen bond of sulfur containing molecules Message-Id: <-48834-130617010331-8978-+Py7MxAF1EMDx/g+3f8dnQ*|*> X-Original-From: Andreas Klamt Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 07:03:21 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: Andreas Klamt [klamt^] Adel, we have recently published two papers on the estimation of hydrogen bond strength using the COSMO polarization charge density as descriptor. In one paper we consider the quantum chemically calculated hb-enthapies of a broad range of donors and acceptors, including sulfur acceptor atoms and SH donor groups. In the other paper we analyzed experimental hb enthalpies and hb-free energies measured experimentally by a group in Nantes (the pKBHx) data. This paper also covers sulfur as acceptor. Andreas Polarization charge densities provide a predictive quantification of hydrogen bond energies Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 955-963; DOI: 10.1039/C1CP22640A Interpretation of experimental hydrogen-bond enthalpies and entropies > from COSMO polarisation charge densities Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013,15, 7147-7154; DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44611E Am 16.06.2013 12:38, schrieb Adel El-Azhary azhary* > Sent to CCL by: "Adel El-Azhary" [azhary^] > Dear all, > Does anyone know a study of the estimate of the hydrogen bond in sulfur containing molecules? I made an intensive search but could not get any solid conclusion. > > Best regards, > > Adel El-Azhary > Chemistry Department, > Faculty of Science > King Saud University > P.O. Box 2455 > Riyadh, 11451 > Saudi Arabia> > > -- Prof. Dr. Andreas Klamt CEO / Geschäftsführer COSMOlogic GmbH & Co. KG Imbacher Weg 46 D-51379 Leverkusen, Germany phone +49-2171-731681 fax +49-2171-731689 e-mail klamt|*| web [University address: Inst. of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Regensburg] HRA 20653 Amtsgericht Koeln, GF: Prof. Dr. Andreas Klamt Komplementaer: COSMOlogic Verwaltungs GmbH HRB 49501 Amtsgericht Koeln, GF: Prof. Dr. Andreas Klamt From Mon Jun 17 08:34:00 2013 From: "azin azarkamand azin.azarkamand]-[" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Abinit Message-Id: <-48835-130617052215-31455-JS9b6Y1Q5T3Q76NulgrzjQ|a|> X-Original-From: "azin azarkamand" Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:22:14 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "azin azarkamand" [azin.azarkamand-*] Dear all I am recent user of Abinit and I am interested to work on different DFT functional such as LDA and PBE and ( phonon calculation ). I would be grateful if you could supply me with some input example in these two subjects. all usefull notes will be appreciated. Thanks in advance Azin Azarkamand. From Mon Jun 17 15:56:00 2013 From: "Thomas Vent-Schmidt thomas.vent-schmidt+/" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Problem with EDA in gamess Message-Id: <-48836-130617145745-25045-bARjbiva4s67q5T1eBU1EA[A]> X-Original-From: "Thomas Vent-Schmidt" Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 14:57:44 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Thomas Vent-Schmidt" [thomas.vent-schmidt[]] Hello I have some problems with an EDA analysis using the Gamess-US program. The job is killed without any special error message in the first orbital localisation part (see output below). I also included the input. I use the aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets for fluorine and hydrogen and the Stuttgart RSc 1997 ECP basis for uranium but I also tried a all-electron basis set which results in the same error. Input: $CONTRL SCFTYP=UHF DFTTYP=B3LYP MULT=5 PP=Read RunTYP=EDA Coord=ZMT $END $CONTRL MAXIT=200 QMTTOL=3.0E-07 $END $CONTRL LOCAL=BOYS $END $INTGRL NINTMX=2000 $END $TRANS MPTRAN=2 CUTTRF=1E-07 $END $SCF Shift=.t. DIIS=.t. $End ! $DFT Method=Grid SWOFF=1.0E03 SWITCH=1.00E01 $END $system MWords=1000 $end $guess guess=hcore $end $basis EXTFIL=.true. GBASIS=avtzbasi $End $lmoeda supbas=.f. matom(1)=2,1 mcharg(1)=0,0 mmult(1)=4,2 $end $data HUF C1 U H 1 uh F 1 uf 2 huf uh= 2.0557 uf= 2.0637 huf= 101.4622 $end $ecp U-ECP GEN 60 4 1 ----- g-ul potential ----- -60.129989580 2 12.804088440 2 ----- s-ul potential ----- 536.516627780 2 16.414038690 60.129989580 2 12.804088440 2 ----- p-ul potential ----- 169.544924650 2 9.060556060 60.129989580 2 12.804088440 2 ----- d-ul potential ----- 142.615598370 2 8.831831980 60.129989580 2 12.804088440 2 ----- f-ul potential ----- 60.393076020 2 7.018516290 60.129989580 2 12.804088440 H:none F:none $END Output:(Error part) ...... END OF UHF CALCULATION ...... STEP CPU TIME = 99.92 TOTAL CPU TIME = 110.4 ( 1.8 MIN) TOTAL WALL CLOCK TIME= 116.2 SECONDS, CPU UTILIZATION IS 95.00% --------------------------------------- EDMISTON-RUEDENBERG ENERGY LOCALIZATION --------------------------------------- C.EDMISTON AND K.RUEDENBERG, REV.MOD.PHYS. 35, 457-465 (1963) ***** ALPHA ORBITAL LOCALIZATION ***** -------------------------------------------- PARTIAL TWO ELECTRON INTEGRAL TRANSFORMATION -------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF CORE MOLECULAR ORBITALS = 0 NUMBER OF OCCUPIED MOLECULAR ORBITALS = 18 TOTAL NUMBER OF MOLECULAR ORBITALS = 18 TOTAL NUMBER OF ATOMIC ORBITALS = 130 THRESHOLD FOR KEEPING TRANSFORMED 2E- INTEGRALS = 1.000E-07 AO INTEGRALS WILL BE READ IN FROM DISK... # OF WORDS AVAILABLE = 995113683 # OF WORDS NEEDED = 20017862 FOR IN MEMORY TRANSFORMATION FOR THE SEGMENTED TRANSFORMATION: MINIMUM= 1199712 WORDS FOR 1 MOLECULAR ORBITAL PER PASS MAXIMUM= 20017862 WORDS FOR ALL MOLECULAR ORBITALS IN 1 PASS ( 1106950 EXTRA WORDS WOULD INCLUDE AN EXTRA ORBITAL/PASS) SEGMENTED PARTIAL TRANSFORMATION WILL USE 20017862 WORDS, DISTRIBUTING 1 PASSES EACH CONTAINING 18 ORBITALS OVER 1 PROCESSORS. CHOOSING OUT-OF-MEMORY BIN-SORT TRANSFORMATION... # PASSES = 1 # WORDS USED = 20020049 OPENING FILE DASORT WITH 2187 LOGICAL RECORDS OF 8515 WORDS WITH A MAXIMUM OF 10935 PHYSICAL RECORDS OF 2048 WORDS ddikick.x: application process 0 quit unexpectedly. ddikick.x: Sending kill signal to DDI processes. ddikick.x: Execution terminated due to error(s). ----- accounting info ----- Files used on the master node seb12 were: -rw------- 1 tgaisser users 1,2K 3. Nov 00:19 /var/tmp/gamess/huf.F05 -rw------- 1 tgaisser users 141M 3. Nov 00:19 /var/tmp/gamess/huf.F08 -rw------- 1 tgaisser users 1,4K 3. Nov 00:21 /var/tmp/gamess/huf.F09 -rw------- 1 tgaisser users 7,4M 3. Nov 00:21 /var/tmp/gamess/huf.F10 -rw------- 1 tgaisser users 14M 3. Nov 00:21 /var/tmp/gamess/huf.F20 Di 3. Nov 00:21:33 CET 2009 0.118u 0.092s 2:05.03 0.1% 0+0k 1000+104io 6pf+0w Has anyone an idea what`s wrong? Thanks a lot M.Sc. Thomas Vent-Schmidt AK Riedel Universitt Freiburg Institut fr Anorganische und Analytische Chemie Albertstr. 21 D-79104 Freiburg Tel. ++49(0)761/203-6125