From Thu Apr 10 08:35:01 2014 From: "Renier Dreyer" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Academic Offering on CrunchYard Message-Id: <-49906-140410043953-3540-D4z/> X-Original-From: "Renier Dreyer" Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:39:50 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Renier Dreyer" [] CrunchYard is pleased to announce their academic offering for HPC in the cloud. The academic offering allows anyone with a valid academic e-mail to instantly access the online HPC facility. Group accounts can be created for your research group, where simulation credits are shared. Credits are valid for 2 months after purchase. Academic accounts include access to over 300 true CPU cores, and the following simulation software: CP2K NWCHEM GAMESS GROMACS LAMMPS Other licensed codes are available on request (such as CPMD etc.) For more information go to Or contact Dr. Renier Dreyer at renier.dreyer]|[