From Mon Aug 10 21:21:01 2015 From: "Aurora E Clark auclark|*|" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Announcing TACC2016; Aug 28-Sept 2, 2016; Seattle, WA USA Message-Id: <-51571-150810203956-32106-UZ+ZVduTPs1kn/8Vf0PwNg[A]> X-Original-From: "Aurora E Clark" Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 20:39:55 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Aurora E Clark" [] Please save the date and share this with your students and colleagues! We are pleased to announce the conference on Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (TACC2016), which will be held on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, USA from August 28 - September 2, 2016 ( TACC2016 will convene leading researchers in theoretical and computational chemistry and allied disciplines to present and discuss forefront research in the development and application of chemical theory and computation. A broad range of fundamental and applied topics in chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science will be covered, including a special focus on computational approaches that bridge the gap between atomistic simulations and mesoscale phenomena, and that exploit advanced computing and informatics technologies to push the frontiers of the field. The program will include keynote, plenary and parallel invited lectures, with contributed presentations selected > from among the abstracts submitted to the conference. The program will include four keynote lectures: D. A. Baker (UW), E. A. Carter (Princeton U), G. Galli (U Chicago), and G. A. Voth (U Chicago); Plenary lectures: A. Aspuru Guzik (Harvard), J-L. Bredas (KAUST), K. A. Fichthorn (Penn State), J. Gale (Curtin), S. Hammes-Schiffer (Illinois), R. J. Harrison (Stony Brook), B. Mennucci (Pisa), F. Neese (MaxPlanck), M. Neurock (Minnesota), K. M. Rosso (PNNL), G. E. Scuseria (Rice), P.M. Siegbahn (Stockholm), W. Yang (Duke); Invited lectures: C. Adamo (ENSCP Paris), C. M. Aikens (Kansas St), A. Alavi (Cambridge U), J. Autschbach (U Buffalo), P. W. Ayers (McMaster U), V. S. Batista (Yale U), M. Baer (PNNL), V. Barone (U Pisa), E. Bichoutskaia (U Nottingham), J. Blumberger (UCL), I. Ciofini (ENSCP Paris), G. H. Chen (U Hong Kong), A. E. Clark (WSU), C. Clementi (Rice U), R. Dawes (Missouri), N.A. Deskins (WPI), M.L. Doublet (U Montpellier), M. Ehara (IMS), O. Eisenstein (U Montpellier), C. Filippi (U Twente), L. Gagliardi (U Minnesota), J. Gao (U Minnesota), Y. Q. Gao (Peking U), M. S. Gordon (Iowa St), N. Govind (PNNL), S. Grimme (U Bonn), N. Guihery (U Toulouse), J. Hachmann (U Buffalo), K. Hermanson (Uppsala U), M. Head-Gordon (UC Berkeley), K. Hirao (RIKEN), C. M. Isborn (UC Merced), D. Jacquemin (U Nantes), E. R. Johnson (Dalhousie U), A. I. Krylov (USC), J-L. Kuo (A Sinica), O. Legeza (Budapest), X. Li(UW), R. Lindh (Uppsala U), W. Liu (Peking U), T. E. Markland (Stanford U), T. J. Martinez (Stanford U), N. Marzari (EPFL), M. Mavrikakis (U Wisconsin), H. Metiu (UCSB), T. F. Miller (Caltech), D. Neuhauser (UCLA), G. Pacchioni (Milan), I. Paci (U Victoria), K. Pernal (U Lodz), K. A. Persson (LBNL), J. Pittner (Prague), S. Raugei (PNNL), N. Rega (U Naples), J. J. Rehr (UW), P.N. Roy (U Waterloo), T. Saue (U Toulouse), J. Sauer (Humboldt U), A. Selloni (Princeton U), T. Shiozaki (Northwestern U), Z. Shuai (Tsinghua U), M. Sprik (Cambridge U), V. N. Staroverov (U Western Ontario), M. L. Sushko (PNNL), D. G. Truhlar (U Minnesota), E. F. Valeev (Virginia Tech), A. Von Lilienfeld (U Basel), X. Xu (Fudan U), T. Yanai (IMS), E. Zurek (U Buffalo). TACC2016 will be the fourth conference in a quadrennial series of conferences that have been held in Gyeongju, Korea (2004), Shanghai, China (2008), and in Pavia, Italy (2012; see u%3Dc4e349083197732e57599c3d8%26id%3Df776431b35%26e%3D723443c2ee&k=EWEYHnIv m0nsSxnW5y9VIw%3D%3D%0A&r=ZXP6hBd8pMiVVBr9V8g8OA%3D%3D%0A&m=iL2GxgGldFZ WY0KcvgRx0nYzNgMrfmLOZnsZXQhsoAs%3D%0A&s=f8a0175cca1a46c1d66db453ac13c799cd 30cd312c142dd68751fce4347baaff). The 2016 conference is being co-sponsored by the University of Washington, the University at Buffalo, Washington State University, the Northwest Institute for Advanced Computing, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. We hope to see you in Seattle in 2016. The Organizing Committee: Prof. Michel Dupuis (UB, mdupuis2(!) Prof. Aurora E. Clark (WSU, auclark(!) Prof. Xiaosong Li (UW, li(!) Prof. Thom H. Dunning, Jr. (UW and NIAC, thdjr(!) Dr. Karol Kowalski (PNNL, karol.kowalski(!) Prof. Anne B. McCoy (UW, abmccoy(!)