From Mon Aug 1 02:43:00 2016 From: "amersaf85!A!" To: CCL Subject: CCL: =?UTF-8?B?UmU6IENDTDogQW55IHNvZnR3YXJlIHRoYXQgY2FuIHNpbXVsYXRlIG1hZ25l?= =?UTF-8?B?dGljIHN1c2NlcHRpYmlsaXR5IGFuZC9vciBIeXN0ZXJlc2lzIGxvb3BzPw==?= Message-Id: <-52338-160801024000-23285-Jw17QOU1RiSfNmdS5aG23w-> X-Original-From: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="--ALT--44d7371c1470033591" Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2016 09:39:51 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: ----ALT--44d7371c1470033591 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 ClRyeSB0byB1c2UgR2F1c3NpYW4gLCBvciBDcnlzdGFsIHNvZnR3YXJlLgotLQpTZW50IGZyb20g bXlNYWlsIGFwcCBmb3IgQW5kcm9pZCDYo9it2K8sINmj2aEg2YrZiNmE2YrZiCDZotmg2aHZpiwg 2aHZoDrZpdmj2YUgK9mg2aI62aDZoCBmcm9tICJIZW5yaXF1ZSBDLiBTLiBKdW5pb3IgaGVucmlx dWVjc2otIy1nbWFpbC5jb20iIDwgb3duZXItY2hlbWlzdHJ5QGNjbC5uZXQ+IDoKCj5EZWFyIGNv bGxlYWd1ZXMsIG1vc3Qgb2YgdGhlIHRpbWUgSSBoYXZlIGFjY2VzcyB0byBhIFNRVUlEIG1hZ25l dG9tZXRlciB0byBwZXJmb3JtIG1lYXN1cmVtZW50cyBvZiBtYWduZXRpYyBzdXNjZXB0aWJpbGl0 eSBidXQgZHVlIHRvIHRlY2huaWNhbCBwcm9ibGVtcyBhbGwgbmVhciBtYWduZXRvbWV0ZXJzIHdp bGwgYmUgb2ZmbGluZSBmb3IgYW4gdW5kZXRlcm1pbmVkIGFtb3VudCBvZiB0aW1lLiBBbGwgbXkg c3RydWN0dXJlcyBhcmUgcGFyYW1hZ25ldGljLCBvYnRhaW5lZCBmcm9tIHNpbmdsZSBjcnlzdGFs IFgtcmF5IGRpZmZyYWN0aW9uLgo+TXnCoHF1ZXN0aW9uIGlzOiBpcyB0aGVyZSBhIHNvZnR3YXJl IHRoYXQgSSBjYW4gdXNlIHRoYXQsIGJhc2VkIG9uIG15IGNyeXN0YWxsaW5lIChzb2xpZCBzdGF0 ZSkgc3lzdGVtIGNhbiBzaW11bGF0ZSBhIG1hZ25ldGljIHN1c2NlcHRpYmlsaXR5IGN1cnZlIChp biB0aGUgY2xhc3NpYyBDaGlfVCB4IFQpPwo+QW55IGhlbHAgaXMgbXVjaCBhcHByZWNpYXRlZC4K Pgo+Cj4tLSAKPkhlbnJpcXVlIEMuIFMuIEp1bmlvcgo+UXXDrW1pY28gSW5kdXN0cmlhbCAtIFVG UlJKCj5NZXN0cmUgZW0gUXXDrW1pY2EgSW5vcmfDom5pY2EgLSBVRlJSSgo+Q2VudHJvIGRlIFBy b2Nlc3NhbWVudG8gZGUgRGFkb3MgLSBQTVAK ----ALT--44d7371c1470033591 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 CjxIVE1MPjxCT0RZPjxwIHN0eWxlPSdtYXJnaW4tdG9wOiAwcHg7JyBkaXI9InJ0bCI+VHJ5IHRv IHVzZSBHYXVzc2lhbiAsIG9yIENyeXN0YWwgc29mdHdhcmUuPC9wPgo8cCBkaXI9Imx0ciI+LS08 YnI+ClNlbnQgZnJvbSBteU1haWwgYXBwIGZvciBBbmRyb2lkPC9wPgrYo9it2K8sINmj2aEg2YrZ iNmE2YrZiCDZotmg2aHZpiwg2aHZoDrZpdmj2YUgK9mg2aI62aDZoCBmcm9tICJIZW5yaXF1ZSBD LiBTLiBKdW5pb3IgaGVucmlxdWVjc2otIy1nbWFpbC5jb20iIDw8YSBocmVmPSJtYWlsdG86b3du ZXItY2hlbWlzdHJ5QGNjbC5uZXQiPm93bmVyLWNoZW1pc3RyeUBjY2wubmV0PC9hPj46PGJyPjxi cj48YmxvY2txdW90ZSBzdHlsZT0nYm9yZGVyLWxlZnQ6MXB4IHNvbGlkICNGQzJDMzg7IG1hcmdp bjowcHggMHB4IDBweCAxMHB4OyBwYWRkaW5nOjBweCAwcHggMHB4IDEwcHg7JyBjaXRlPSIxNDcw MDAwNjEyMDAwMDAyODY2NSI+CgkKCgoKICAgIAoKCgoKCgoKCgoKCQoJCgoJCgkKCQoJCgkKCgkK CgkKCQoKCQoJCgkKCgkKCQoKCgo8ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSJqcy1oZWxwZXIganMtcmVhZG1zZy1tc2ci PgoJPHN0eWxlIHR5cGU9InRleHQvY3NzIj48L3N0eWxlPgogCTxkaXYgPgoJCTxiYXNlIHRhcmdl dD0iX3NlbGYiIGhyZWY9Imh0dHBzOi8vZS1hai5teS5jb20vIiAvPgoJCQoJCQk8ZGl2IGlkPSJz dHlsZV8xNDcwMDAwNjEyMDAwMDAyODY2NV9CT0RZIj48ZGl2IGRpcj0ibHRyIj48ZGl2IHN0eWxl PSJmb250LWZhbWlseTptb25vc3BhY2UsbW9ub3NwYWNlIj48ZGl2ID48ZGl2ID48ZGl2ID48cD5E ZWFyIGNvbGxlYWd1ZXMsIG1vc3Qgb2YgdGhlIHRpbWUgSSBoYXZlIGFjY2VzcyB0byBhIFNRVUlE IG1hZ25ldG9tZXRlciB0byBwZXJmb3JtIG1lYXN1cmVtZW50cyBvZiBtYWduZXRpYyBzdXNjZXB0 aWJpbGl0eSBidXQgZHVlIHRvIHRlY2huaWNhbCBwcm9ibGVtcyBhbGwgbmVhciBtYWduZXRvbWV0 ZXJzIHdpbGwgYmUgb2ZmbGluZSBmb3IgYW4gdW5kZXRlcm1pbmVkIGFtb3VudCBvZiB0aW1lLiBB bGwgbXkgc3RydWN0dXJlcyBhcmUgcGFyYW1hZ25ldGljLCBvYnRhaW5lZCBmcm9tIHNpbmdsZSBj cnlzdGFsIFgtcmF5IGRpZmZyYWN0aW9uLjwvcD4KPHA+TXnCoHF1ZXN0aW9uIGlzOiBpcyB0aGVy ZSBhIHNvZnR3YXJlIHRoYXQgSSBjYW4gdXNlIHRoYXQsIGJhc2VkIG9uIG15IGNyeXN0YWxsaW5l IChzb2xpZCBzdGF0ZSkgc3lzdGVtIGNhbiBzaW11bGF0ZSBhIG1hZ25ldGljIHN1c2NlcHRpYmls aXR5IGN1cnZlIChpbiB0aGUgY2xhc3NpYyBDaGlfVCB4IFQpPzwvcD4KPHAgPkFueSBoZWxwIGlz IG11Y2ggYXBwcmVjaWF0ZWQuPC9wPiA8L2Rpdj4gIDwvZGl2PiA8L2Rpdj4gPGRpdiA+IDxoMz48 L2gzPjwvZGl2Pgo8YnIgY2xlYXI9ImFsbCI+PC9kaXY+PGRpdj48YnI+PC9kaXY+LS0gPGJyPjxk aXYgPjxkaXYgZGlyPSJsdHIiPjxkaXY+PGRpdiBkaXI9Imx0ciI+PGRpdj48ZGl2IGRpcj0ibHRy Ij48ZGl2PjxkaXYgZGlyPSJsdHIiPjxzcGFuIHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjpyZ2IoMTM5LDEzOSwxMzkp Ij48Zm9udCBmYWNlPSJtb25vc3BhY2UsIG1vbm9zcGFjZSI+PGI+PGZvbnQgY29sb3I9IiM4MDgw ODAiPkhlbnJpcXVlIEMuIFMuIEp1bmlvcjwvZm9udD48L2I+PGJyPlF1w61taWNvIEluZHVzdHJp YWwgLSBVRlJSSjwvZm9udD48L3NwYW4+PC9kaXY+PGRpdiBkaXI9Imx0ciI+PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9 ImNvbG9yOnJnYigxMzksMTM5LDEzOSkiPjxmb250IGZhY2U9Im1vbm9zcGFjZSwgbW9ub3NwYWNl Ij5NZXN0cmUgZW0gUXXDrW1pY2EgSW5vcmfDom5pY2EgLSBVRlJSSjxicj5DZW50cm8gZGUgUHJv Y2Vzc2FtZW50byBkZSBEYWRvcyAtIFBNUDwvZm9udD48YnI+PC9zcGFuPjwvZGl2PjwvZGl2Pjwv ZGl2PjwvZGl2PjwvZGl2PjwvZGl2PjwvZGl2PjwvZGl2Pgo8L2Rpdj4KPC9kaXY+CgkJCQoJCQoJ CTxiYXNlIHRhcmdldD0iX3NlbGYiIGhyZWY9Imh0dHBzOi8vZS1hai5teS5jb20vIiAvPgoJPC9k aXY+CgoJCjwvZGl2PgoKCjwvYmxvY2txdW90ZT48L0JPRFk+PC9IVE1MPgo= ----ALT--44d7371c1470033591-- From Mon Aug 1 08:06:00 2016 From: "Norrby, Per-Ola Per-Ola.Norrby#," To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Absolute shielding constatn of H and C in TMS for NMR chemical shift Message-Id: <-52339-160801021030-21986-02XGakngUpeqJVq6Dq0qRA]~[> X-Original-From: "Norrby, Per-Ola" Content-Language: en-US Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 06:10:18 +0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: "Norrby, Per-Ola" [Per-Ola.Norrby-,] Just calculate tetramethylsilane (TMS) at exactly the same level, and use that calculated value as zero. A very rapid calculation. /Per-Ola Sent from my iPhone > On 1 aug. 2016, at 04:35, Renjith Raveendran Pillai renjithkadavoor * wrote: > > > Sent to CCL by: "Renjith Raveendran Pillai" [] > Dear Friends, > I have calculated the SCF GIAO magnetic shiedling tensor (ppm) in DMSO using Gaussian09 for a chalcone derivative at b3lyp/6-311g++(d,p) level. In order to calculate 1H and 13 C NMR chemical shifts values theoretically, I want to know the values of absolute shielding constants of hydrogen and carbon. Anyone Please help me. > Regards > Dr. Renjith Raveendran Pillai > Assistant Professor > Univeristy of Kerala > Trivandrum, Kerala, India > email: renjithkadavoor]-[> > ________________________________ Confidentiality Notice: This message is private and may contain confidential and proprietary information. If you have received this message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system and note that you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of the contents of this message is not permitted and may be unlawful. From Mon Aug 1 08:41:00 2016 From: "Marcel Swart marcel.swart*o*" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Absolute shielding constatn of H and C in TMS for NMR chemical shift Message-Id: <-52340-160801022437-22569-AMnHvqgEBU7lD0WFLWn85w|,|> X-Original-From: Marcel Swart Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_B0FB073B-2F95-4F78-BE78-1CE0133D7268" Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 08:24:29 +0200 Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 9.3 \(3124\)) Sent to CCL by: Marcel Swart [marcel.swart^] --Apple-Mail=_B0FB073B-2F95-4F78-BE78-1CE0133D7268 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Dear Renjith, you can calculate these as well of course. Below you will find some coordinates for TMS. We used these e.g. in=20 Ll. Armangu=C3=A9, M. Sol=C3=A0 and M. Swart "Nuclear shieldings with the SSB-D functional" J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 1250-1256 And reference values for chemical shieldings can be obtained at many places, e.g. Marcel Si 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 C 1.11488612 1.11488612 -1.11488612 H 0.50614867 1.76488962 -1.76488962 H 1.76488962 1.76488962 -0.50614867 H 1.76488962 0.50614867 -1.76488962 C -1.11488612 -1.11488612 -1.11488612 H -1.76488962 -1.76488962 -0.50614867 H -1.76488962 -0.50614867 -1.76488962 H -0.50614867 -1.76488962 -1.76488962 C 1.11488612 -1.11488612 1.11488612 H 1.76488962 -1.76488962 0.50614867 H 1.76488962 -0.50614867 1.76488962 H 0.50614867 -1.76488962 1.76488962 C -1.11488612 1.11488612 1.11488612 H -1.76488962 1.76488962 0.50614867 H -1.76488962 0.50614867 1.76488962 H -0.50614867 1.76488962 1.76488962 > On 01 Aug 2016, at 03:54, Renjith Raveendran Pillai renjithkadavoor * = wrote: >=20 >=20 > Sent to CCL by: "Renjith Raveendran Pillai" = [] > Dear Friends, > I have calculated the SCF GIAO magnetic shiedling tensor (ppm) in DMSO = using Gaussian09 for a chalcone derivative at b3lyp/6-311g++(d,p) level. = In order to calculate 1H and 13 C NMR chemical shifts values = theoretically, I want to know the values of absolute shielding constants = of hydrogen and carbon. Anyone Please help me. > Regards > Dr. Renjith Raveendran Pillai > Assistant Professor > Univeristy of Kerala > Trivandrum, Kerala, India > email: renjithkadavoor]-[ >=20 >=20 >=20 > -=3D This is automatically added to each message by the mailing script = =3D- > To recover the email address of the author of the message, please = change>=20>=20>=20 > Subscribe/Unsubscribe:=20>=20>=20 > Job: > Conferences: = >=20>=20>=20>=20 >=20 _____________________________________ Prof. Dr. Marcel Swart, FRSC ICREA Research Professor at Institut de Qu=C3=ADmica Computacional i Cat=C3=A0lisi (IQCC) Univ. Girona (Spain) COST Action CM1305 (ECOSTBio) chair Girona Seminar 2016 organizer IQCC director RSC Advances associate editor Young Academy of Europe member web vCard addressbook:// --Apple-Mail=_B0FB073B-2F95-4F78-BE78-1CE0133D7268 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Dear Renjith,

you can calculate these as well of course. Below you will = find
some coordinates for TMS. We used these e.g. = in 

Ll. = Armangu=C3=A9, M. Sol=C3=A0 and M. Swart
"Nuclear = shieldings with the SSB-D functional"
J. Phys. Chem. = A 2011, 115, 1250-1256

And reference values for = chemical shieldings can be obtained
at many places, = e.g.


Si   =    0.00000000       0.00000000 =       0.00000000
C       1.11488612 =       1.11488612 =      -1.11488612
H =       0.50614867 =       1.76488962 =      -1.76488962
H =       1.76488962 =       1.76488962 =      -0.50614867
H =       1.76488962 =       0.50614867 =      -1.76488962
C =      -1.11488612 =      -1.11488612 =      -1.11488612
H =      -1.76488962 =      -1.76488962 =      -0.50614867
H =      -1.76488962 =      -0.50614867 =      -1.76488962
H =      -0.50614867 =      -1.76488962 =      -1.76488962
C =       1.11488612 =      -1.11488612 =       1.11488612
H       1.76488962 =      -1.76488962 =       0.50614867
H       1.76488962 =      -0.50614867 =       1.76488962
H       0.50614867 =      -1.76488962 =       1.76488962
C      -1.11488612 =       1.11488612 =       1.11488612
H      -1.76488962 =       1.76488962 =       0.50614867
H      -1.76488962 =       0.50614867 =       1.76488962
H      -0.50614867 =       1.76488962 =       1.76488962

On 01 Aug 2016, at 03:54, = Renjith Raveendran Pillai renjithkadavoor * <owner-chemistry-*> wrote:

Sent to CCL by: "Renjith  Raveendran Pillai" = []
Dear Friends,
I = have calculated the SCF GIAO magnetic shiedling tensor (ppm) in DMSO = using Gaussian09 for a chalcone derivative at b3lyp/6-311g++(d,p) level. = In order to calculate 1H and 13 C NMR chemical shifts values = theoretically, I want to know the values of absolute shielding constants = of hydrogen and carbon. Anyone Please help me.
Dr. Renjith Raveendran Pillai
Assistant = Professor
Univeristy of Kerala
Trivandrum, = Kerala, India
email: renjithkadavoor]-[

-=3D This is automatically = added to each message by the mailing script =3D-
To = recover the email address of the author of the message, please change
the strange characters on the top line to the -*- sign. You can = also
look up the X-Original-From: line in the mail = header.

E-mail to subscribers: CHEMISTRY-* or = use:

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Prof. Dr. Marcel Swart, FRSC

ICREA= Research Professor at
Institut de Qu=C3=ADmica = Computacional i Cat=C3=A0lisi (IQCC)
Univ. Girona = (Spain)

COST Action CM1305 (ECOSTBio) = chair
Girona Seminar 2016 organizer
IQCC director
RSC Advances associate editor
Young Academy of Europe member


= --Apple-Mail=_B0FB073B-2F95-4F78-BE78-1CE0133D7268-- From Mon Aug 1 09:16:00 2016 From: "Jan Jensen compchemhighlights ~" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Computational Chemistry Highlight: July issue Message-Id: <> X-Original-From: Jan Jensen Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=94eb2c14c282b987660538fe56ce Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 10:25:11 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: Jan Jensen [] --94eb2c14c282b987660538fe56ce Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The July issue of Computational Chemistry Highlights is out. CCH is an overlay journal th= at identifies the most important papers in computational and theoretical chemistry published in the last 1-2 years. CCH is not affiliated with any publisher: it is a free resource run by scientists for scientists. You can read more about it here . Table of content for this issue features contributions from CCH editors Steven Bachrach and Jan Jensen: Diverse Optimal Molecular Libraries for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Dehydro-Diels-Alder Reactions Direct Spectroscopic Evidence for an n=E2=86=92=CF=80* Interaction Redox Switching of Orthoquinone-Containing Aromatic Compounds with Hydrogen and Oxygen Gas Interested in more? There are many ways to subscribe to CCH updates . Also, for your daily computational chemistry fix subscribe to Computational Chemistry Daily --94eb2c14c282b987660538fe56ce Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

The July issue of=C2=A0Computational Chemis= try Highlights=C2=A0is out.

CCH is an=C2=A0overlay journal=C2=A0that identifies the most important papers in = computational and theoretical chemistry published in the last 1-2 years. CC= H is not affiliated with any publisher: it is a free resource run by scient= ists for scientists.=C2=A0You can read mo= re about it here.

Ta= ble of content for this issue features contributions from CCH editors Steve= n Bachrach and Jan Jensen:

--94eb2c14c282b987660538fe56ce-- From Mon Aug 1 10:02:00 2016 From: "Hans-Ullrich SIEHL" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: Absolute shielding constatn of H and C in TMS for NMR chemical shift Message-Id: <-52342-160801095537-21236-o72E0km8Lt61bOKO0n4Prg/./> X-Original-From: Hans-Ullrich SIEHL Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 15:55:21 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: Hans-Ullrich SIEHL [ullrich.siehl-$] Donīt forget that TMS has symmetry TD Hans-Ullrich Siehl Mon 01.08.2016, 15:55:07 (CEST) On 01.08.2016 08:10, Norrby, Per-Ola Per-Ola.Norrby#, wrote: > > Sent to CCL by: "Norrby, Per-Ola" [Per-Ola.Norrby-,] > Just calculate tetramethylsilane (TMS) at exactly the same level, and use that calculated value as zero. A very rapid calculation. > > /Per-Ola > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On 1 aug. 2016, at 04:35, Renjith Raveendran Pillai renjithkadavoor * wrote: >> >> >> Sent to CCL by: "Renjith Raveendran Pillai" [] >> Dear Friends, >> I have calculated the SCF GIAO magnetic shiedling tensor (ppm) in DMSO using Gaussian09 for a chalcone derivative at b3lyp/6-311g++(d,p) level. In order to calculate 1H and 13 C NMR chemical shifts values theoretically, I want to know the values of absolute shielding constants of hydrogen and carbon. Anyone Please help me. >> Regards >> Dr. Renjith Raveendran Pillai >> Assistant Professor >> Univeristy of Kerala >> Trivandrum, Kerala, India >> email: renjithkadavoor]-[> >> > ________________________________ > > > Confidentiality Notice: This message is private and may contain confidential and proprietary information. If you have received this message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system and note that you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of the contents of this message is not permitted and may be unlawful.> >