From Mon Dec 17 11:32:00 2018 From: "Frank Neese Frank.Neese*|*" To: CCL Subject: CCL: ORCA 4.1. has been released (repost) Message-Id: <-53571-181217015425-31174-P0GL1OO8xxROfCAbCpILZA|a|> X-Original-From: "Frank Neese" Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 01:54:21 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Frank Neese" [] Dear CCL'ers, (apologies if you received this before - the CCL administrator has informed me that there was a network problem at the time this was first posted and encouraged me to post the message again) We are all very proud that we can present ORCA Version 4.1. to you! ORCA is a general purpose quantum chemistry program with particular emphasis on low-oder scaling wave function based correlation methods, spectroscopy and transition metal chemistry. ORCA is free of charge for academic users (see below). We are very excited to release this version of ORCA! The user community has now grown to over 20000 users world-wide. We are happy and proud that ORCA is now so widely embraced by the scientific community and we will continue and intensify our efforts to give you the best program possible. With the release of ORCA 4.1, we have moved our forum and download site to a new server at the Max Planck Institute fuer Kohlenforschung, where the ORCA team now has its home base. Please visit Please enjoy ORCA and do good science with it! This is the source of our inspiration and motivation to continue. Frank Neese on behalf of all ORCA developers! December 13, 2018 List of new features for ORCA 4.1: SCF/DFT - B97M-V, wB97M-V, wB97X-V plus various D3 variants of B97 functionals - Simple input keywords for DSD-BLYP, DSD-PBEP86, and DSD-PBEB95 - CPCM analytic Hessian - DLPNO-double hybrid DFT including gradient - SymRelax option in %method: allow irrep occupations to change during SCF if an unoccupied orbital has lower energy than an occupied one - The next (but not this) ORCA release will feature all functionals from the libxc library Semiempirical methods - XTB method of Grimme et al. Coupled cluster - Iterative solution of the (T) equations for DLPNO-CCSD(T) - Open shell DLPNO-CCSD density and spin density matrices - Full DLPNO-MP2 gradient - CIM (Cluster in molecules) Implementation with MP2, CCSD(T), DLPNO-MP2 and DLPNO-CCSD(T) - IP and EA coupled cluster methods and their DLPNO variants - STEOM-CCSD for open shells - SOC between bt-PNO-STEOM and STEOM states - Multilevel implementation with different levels of PNO accuracy, MP2, HF, including multilevel DLPNO-IP - F12-Triples scaling for RHF canonical CCSD(T) based on the CCSD/ CCSD-F12 ratio Multireference - New CASSCF SuperCIPT converger is reliable and efficient. - New options for final orbitals to find partner orbitals for the chosen active space e.g. bonding / anti- bonding partners. - MC-RPA (Multiconfigurational random phase approximation) o AO driven integral direct for calculations on larger molecules o Fock matrix -> conventional, direct, RIJ/COSX o MPI parallel o NTOs for visualizing transitions - Checking stability of state specific CASSCF wave functions by orca_mcrpa - Dynamic correlation dressed (DCD-CAS) method with inclusion of relativistic effects (SOC, spin- spin, magnetic fields) - CASSCF RIJCOSX allows two separate auxiliary basis sets - CASCI/NEVPT2 protocol for XAS and RIXS Optimization - Nudge elastic band method to locate transition states - Enabled 3-dimensional relaxed potential energy surface scan - Improvement of redundant internal coordinate generation - Faster and more smooth convergence for 3-dimensional systems and embedded cluster models - Intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) following - Swart model Hessian (good for weak interactions) Molecular Dynamics - MD simulations can now use Cartesian, distance, angle, and dihedral angle constraints. - The MD module now features cells of several geometries (cube, orthorhombic, parallelepiped, sphere, ellipsoid), which can help to keep the system inside of a well-defined volume. - The cells can be defined as elastic, such that their size adapts to the system. This enables to run simulations under constant pressure. - Ability to define regions (subsets of atoms) enables applications such as thermostating different parts of the system to different temperatures (cold solute in hot solvent, temperature gradients, ...) - Trajectories can now be written in XYZ and PDF file format. - A restart file is written in every simulation step. Simulations can be restarted to seamlessly continue. - The energy drift of the simulation is now displayed in every step. - The MD module now works with a broader range of methods (semiempirics, ECPs). - Fixed a bug in the time integration of the equations of motion which compromised energy conservation. Spectroscopic properties - orca_pnmr module tool to calculate paramagnetic NMR spectra - NMR chemical shifts with RI-MP2 and double hybrid DFT including GIAOs, spin-component scaling and CPCM - NMR Spin-Spin coupling in calculations with DFT/HF - Automatic NMR spectrum prediction in solution involving a conformer search and Boltzmann averaging - NMR with ZORA - Maximoff-Scuseria correction for the kinetic energy density in GIAO-based calculations with meta- GGA functionals - Exact and gauge invariant transition moments and approximate decomposition into dipole, quadrupole etc terms in all modules. - PNO-ROCIS method for more efficient X-ray absorption calculations - IP-ROCISD for high spin ROHF references - TD-DFT: o Transient spectra (excited state absorption) for CIS/TDA o Triplet gradients (with RIJ, COSX and all) for all cases. o Spin orbit coupling (including CPCM) and gradients o Root following scheme for optimization o Slow term to correct energy of relaxed excited state o Full TD-DFT with double hybrids - ESD module to calculate spectroscopic properties o Vibrationally resolved absorption spectra including Duschinsky rotation and/or vibronic coupling. o Fluorescence and Phosphorescence rates with same options. o Resonance Raman spectra with the same options o works with CIS/TDDFT, ROCIS, CASSCF and EOM/STEOM. o Seven different schemes for obtaining an excited state PES and five different choices of coordinate systems Analysis tools: - Open Shell Local Energy Decomposition (LED) of the local coupled cluster energy - Dispersion interaction Density plots - LED for DLPNO-MP2 - LED for the frozen state - Update of the AIM interface Miscellaneous - Compound method (Infrastructure, plus W2.2, W1, G2(MP2), G2(MP2-SVP), G2(MP2-SV) methods) - Property file (additional properties, plus new infrastructure) - Decomposition of correlation energy for canonical RHF CCSD energies to singlet - triple pairs - Additional EP2 extrapolation schemes using RI-MP2 and DLPNO-MP2 methods as cheap methods (request from forum) - Lanthanide new def2 basis sets - def2-XVP/C auxiliary basis sets for Ce-Lu by Chmela and Harding. - Robust Second order optimizer for localized orbitals - Added a few basis sets. From Mon Dec 17 12:07:00 2018 From: "Mark Andrew Zottola" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Looking for a source for textbook Message-Id: <-53572-181217091151-13773-VN9RSzBLhaKS6hQf0yRYbA-> X-Original-From: "Mark Andrew Zottola" Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 09:11:50 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Mark Andrew Zottola" [mzottola^_^] I realize this is a little bit off the beaten path, but I am teaching an organic chemistry class and I am looking for a source for "Introduction to Organic Chemistry" 2nd edition, by Streitweiser and Heathcock. I can find the 4th edition, but I truly only want the second edition. If anyone can help me locate perhaps half a dozen texts, I would be grateful.