From Thu Jan 24 10:27:01 2019 From: "Maurizio Botta ewdd.siena*_*" To: CCL Subject: CCL: XII EWDD Message-Id: <-53598-190124074522-21412-3DqbwPzFkhsncOBW1pd5Qw(!)> X-Original-From: "Maurizio Botta" Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 07:45:19 -0500 Sent to CCL by: "Maurizio Botta" [ewdd.siena()] The University of Siena is pleased to announce the twelfth edition of its European Workshop in Drug Design that will be held in Certosa di Pontignano, Siena (Italy); 19 - 24 May 2019 FIRST IN THIS KIND, the European Workshop in Drug Design has always been a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY for graduate students, postdocs and scientists from both Academia and Pharma Industry to celebrate computer-aided drug design and discovery in an EXCITING and COLLABORATIVE environment, looking at an impressive sight of the city of Siena from a monastic complex in the heart of the Chianti and Tuscany and enjoying Italian hospitality and participating to HIGHLY INTERACTIVE HANDS-ON case studies. The official language of the workshop will be English. So, DONT MISS THE XII EWDD: fix the date in your calendar and come to share you passion for Drug Design and contribute to make this edition of the EWDD the best yet! For info contact us at ewdd.siena|,| or visit our website