From Fri Sep 4 15:04:00 2020 From: "Sruthi Sudhakar sruthisnambiar0412**" To: CCL Subject: CCL:G: How to choose the best structure in Gaussian Optimization Message-Id: <-54165-200904085238-6647-nANl1vHuUK5L3Wevg0uu4Q]=[> X-Original-From: "Sruthi Sudhakar" Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2020 08:52:35 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Sruthi Sudhakar" [sruthisnambiar0412\a/] I have a new ligand which I have optimized at HF/6-31G level in Gaussian. I have generated multiple input conformers since there are 3 rotatable bonds in it. I got two different low energy structures. I have to make a choice among these to use them for docking. In these kind of situations, that is for a totally new ligand, how to optmize a structure in Gaussian for molecular docking. The proper procedure to choose the ligand for docking procedure if there are multiple closely related outputs.Also is there any particular method to follow in preparation of inputs if there are multiple rotatable bonds.