From Wed May 12 07:25:00 2021 From: "Wendy Anne Warr" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Free report on NIH workshop on ultralarge databases Message-Id: <-54326-210512072412-17344-sEwDFAhzbGq+ziY+/HQ7vQ :> X-Original-From: "Wendy Anne Warr" Date: Wed, 12 May 2021 07:24:06 -0400 Sent to CCL by: "Wendy Anne Warr" [wendy*|*] Report on an NIH Workshop on Ultralarge Chemistry Databases My article with the above title is freely available on ChemRxiv at: Report on an NIH Workshop on Ultralarge Chemistry Databases ( large_Chemistry_Databases/14554803/1 There were about 30 speakers. In order to reduce the report to a reasonable length, there is less detail than there is in my ACS meeting reports (see my own website) but I have included about 170 references for readers who want greater depth. I have agreed to write another article on the upcoming workshop on reaction informatics. Click here to register for the NIH Virtual Workshop on Reaction Informatics, May 18-20, 2021, 11AM- 3PM EDT. 1wY Dr. Wendy A. Warr Wendy Warr & Associates 6 Berwick Court, Holmes Chapel Cheshire, CW4 7HZ, England Tel. +44 (0)1477 533837 wendy(0) Skype: wendyannewarr Twitter: (0)WendyAnneWarr