From Sun Nov 3 17:15:01 2024 From: "Bob Clark" To: CCL Subject: CCL: Call for Nominations for the Herman Skolnik Award from ACS CINF Division Message-Id: <-55244-241103154352-15302-Kr20jGp+aWmT3wIi3h8WRQ ~~> X-Original-From: Bob Clark Content-Language: en-US Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------40WvwCHtCjTwsCxyJVgni9l3" Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2024 14:43:40 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sent to CCL by: Bob Clark [drbobclark(~)] This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------40WvwCHtCjTwsCxyJVgni9l3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information (CINF) 2026 Herman Skolnik Award The ACS Division of Chemical Information established this Award to recognize outstanding contributions to and achievements in the theory and practice of chemical information science. The Award is named in honor of the first recipient, Herman Skolnik. By this Award, the Division of Chemical Information seeks to encourage the continuing preparation, dissemination and advancement of chemical information science and related disciplines through individual and team efforts. Examples of such advancement include, but are not limited to, the following: * Design of new and unique computerized information systems; * Algorithmic advances in manipulating chemical information; * Preparation and dissemination of chemical information; * Editorial innovations; * Design of new indexing, classification, and notation systems; * Chemical nomenclature; * Structure-activity relationships; and * Applications of chemical information in novel domains The Award consists of a $3000 honorarium and a plaque. The recipient is expected to give an address at the time of the Award presentation. In recent years, an Award Symposium has been organized by the recipient. Nominations for the Herman Skolnik Award should describe the nominee's contributions to the field of chemical information and should include supportive materials such as a biographical sketch and a list of publications and presentations. Three seconding letters are also required. CINF aims to serve a diverse and inclusive worldwide community of scientists and professionals working with chemical information. Thus we encourage nominations of qualified women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from around the world. Nominations and supporting material should be sent by email to the CINF Awards Committee at awards|*|  Paper submissions will not be accepted. The deadline for nominations for the 2026 Herman Skolnik Award is June 1, 2025. Robert D. Clark, Chair, CINF Awards Committee --------------40WvwCHtCjTwsCxyJVgni9l3 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


The American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information (CINF)

2026 Herman Skolnik Award

The ACS Division of Chemical Information established this Award to recognize outstanding contributions to and achievements in the theory and practice of chemical information science. The Award is named in honor of the first recipient, Herman Skolnik.

By this Award, the Division of Chemical Information seeks to encourage the continuing preparation, dissemination and advancement of chemical information science and related disciplines through individual and team efforts. Examples of such advancement include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Design of new and unique computerized information systems;

* Algorithmic advances in manipulating chemical information;

* Preparation and dissemination of chemical information;

* Editorial innovations;

* Design of new indexing, classification, and notation systems;

* Chemical nomenclature;

* Structure-activity relationships; and

* Applications of chemical information in novel domains

The Award consists of a $3000 honorarium and a plaque. The recipient is expected to give an address at the time of the Award presentation. In recent years, an Award Symposium has been organized by the recipient.

Nominations for the Herman Skolnik Award should describe the nominee's contributions to the field of chemical information and should include supportive materials such as a biographical sketch and a list of publications and presentations. Three seconding letters are also required. CINF aims to serve a diverse and inclusive worldwide community of scientists and professionals working with chemical information. Thus we encourage nominations of qualified women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from around the world.

Nominations and supporting material should be sent by email to the CINF Awards Committee at awards|*|  Paper submissions will not be accepted.

The deadline for nominations for the 2026 Herman Skolnik Award is June 1, 2025.

Robert D. Clark, Chair, CINF Awards Committee
